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Post about the poster above you
rws used to own me bad ^_^ now im sure i can beat him up:P RWS is 1 of the most talented RIco players i played
Shalk has been a good friend for almost 2 years now, he is a great rico player and very fun to be around and talk with. :thumb: kudos to shalk
oh yeah and he has really long hair
Frito, my closest internet friend. He freakin knows my address:P Hes one of the coolest grown ups I've met and will follow from game to game. He owns a ricochet and I've been playin with him since the release.
Frito is the best.
Quickening is a child of elements and his magics.
RWS needs to pay more attention. . if he looks at my signature he'll see my cs name... plus i have that name on steam.
I don't recall if I've ever played against Freefall in my life, although I probably have.
MaGoo??? Didn't there use to be a regular named MaGoo who really owned a LOT?
yeah I think there was then he just disappeared:P
GRITS the nicest lady out there and who owns everything.
Quickening doesn't play a lot to my knowledge, but that doesn't sway from the fact that he's still a pwnage player.
RushJet1,Jan 16 2004, 01:44 PM Wrote:GRITS has this bad tendency to jump straight at you in Ricochet but she's doing a good job of correcting that. She's gotten much better since I first played her, but then she was never really "bad" to begin with. Also GRITS is the admin of everything. Including your soul.
Rushjet seems to have noticed that I like to play mind games ;-)
netnIV, where to start. He's from the UK and is one of our resident computer nerds.
Anon is good at arena and deathmatch, he's also great at cakewalking and the "wha" move. He's one of the best people in this community.
RushJet1,Jan 17 2004, 09:33 PM Wrote:Anon is good at arena and deathmatch, he's also great at cakewalking and the "wha" move. He's one of the best people in this community.
Seems to have a good idea of what anon's capable off, even if he did call me a nerd ;-) (better than R2D2 the chairman called me apparently)
netniV is drunk.
FreeFall,Jan 20 2004, 01:49 AM Wrote:netniV is drunk.
FreeFall thinks I'm drunk. Pity he's never seen me when I truely am Drunk... unless he means on life and not alcohol ;-)
netniV is not drunk, merely insane.
FreeFall,Jan 20 2004, 11:36 PM Wrote:netniV is not drunk, merely insane.
FreeFall watches me too much ;-)
netniv is the One. What One i'm not so sure of, but he definitely is one of the One's.:spam:
With all the hookers jabba is selling you would think he would have no time to play. One last thing, where do i get that hat?
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Jan 21 2004, 09:04 PM] With all the hookers jabba is selling you would think he would have no time to play. One last thing, where do i get that hat?
What Anon fails to release is that repeat business of your entire stock leaves you and your hands a lot of time to play ...
my buddy gets me.
Jabba likes to golf...nuff said:D
Wanksta is white. We call him white chocolate on Crenshaw.
RWS thinks hes the messenger of the gods but thats really me...:P
Wanksta... wanks?
CD has the greatest avatar ever and owns me with his aliases.
rws plays mostly tfc these days...but he won't tell me where because i probably embaress him...though, i don't know why because everyone knows i'm the best at that game...especially when i pull off super-leet moves like setting myself on fire...see the other team is not expecting that i would set myself on fire (although they soon come to expect it<_<)...see?'s all about deception..:lol:.
^ KNOWS that I would embarass him at TFC, because I am God of all Medics.
used his own xray as an avatar, otherwise i know very little.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
Annatar likes ska music.... he is a guy or a girl.. has eyes... legs....... other appendages......

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