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Post about the poster above you
Relinquish is. . .somebody's brother. .but my memory is a little hazy. or I'm just lazy. .
bustin a groove. . I got the moooooves aw ya! wurd. . . . ..gimme a break, I think I'm still asleep.
FreeFall i guess is a rime master and he often stays on mirc till late at night.
He's not fat, He's big boned.:P
Zig is oops...i think.:huh:
Wanksta challenged VVV to a clan match and he's gonna lose it.. he knows it :P
MorningStar lives in an igloo and doesn't listen to Chantal Goya (french ultra-metal) all the day. He is also the VVV co-leader:P

EDIT: changed listens to doesn't listen on MS request.
Chentvin is also a VVV co-leader and a senior admin on all of our servers...he is fluent in the world's most romantic language....and gave me all the dirty ones to put on the filter
Grits is a scientist that deals with helping develope stuff for hearing loss and ashma and stuff like that. I just learnd from her and Gwars today : ) don't know if everyone els knew that or not.
cartman just started posting lots recently and could've written histologist for GRITS's job. . .but i too aquired the knowledge of her career a very short time ago. OH. . and umm what zig said. . 'cause it gave me a chuckle. . ya that's right...........i said chuckle
FF is also know as tension head in CS which alot of us had to find out the hard way...well it wasnt so hard but he wouldnt tell us who he was so...ya
wanskta needs to look at my post on page three. . .although now I've moved it into my member title so whatever.
FreeFall thinks he knows everything about everybuddy and i play in the servers more than him and just about everyone here for well over a year and as a matter of fact the only one i really noticed that played hour after hour with me was Trigun.vash.ace.shot now he is banned though and i don't understand why cause he is always really nice if he was saying Gwars sucked i think some1 made him mad and besides that gaming is about comunity not becoming power crazy. I would like some1 to post in another thread exacly what vash said cause i think he was doing it more as one friend to another saying that he thought Gwars sucked even if he was tounting.

and o yea i think why i have been posting so much lately is cause i restored my pc and havent had half-life or eny other games installed.
cartman use to play a lot and then recently showed back up
obviously a fan of vash he doesn't know how to stay on topic in a post:P

FF socializes on irc and lives on the west coast so plays different times than most, you can learn a lot about the people in the community outside of game.
GRITS is a busy lady but always has time to help someone who needs it. I dont think there is a nicer thing to say, except maybe the fact that she is cheering for the leafs :lol:
cake likes the leafs.... mapple that is.... He thinks their going to win more than the flyers... we know he is completely and utterly incorrect.
Relinquish, hes a guy that got layed out playing football yesterday. Kind of resembled a gnat flying towards the windshield of a concord. *shakes head* Gruesome... Oh yeah. Hes up for adoption. :P
reciprocity has the most creative aliases and is one of the greatest ricochet players ever and I am just responding so that I could tell him that his post about the little one had me LMAO
GRITS seems to be the primary person keeping this stupid thread alive. ;P
Magoo used to play a lot but I haven't seen him in awhile.
Rushjet is the one who started the whole dualies thing. He is good at rico but still not as good as me:P And he is one of the leaders of clan EVIL...
aw the things to say about The Wankster, hmmm, this may require some parental control. But seriously, there are so many things to say good aobut our buddy The Wank. 1st there is: edited, 2nd one is awesome: edited my site police, 3rd but not the last one i'm sure: edited by gustapho again

I guess my Idea of good differs from the Gods..
Jabba sucks at counterstrike.
ah rushjet, never a lack for words...plays rico very well but getting him on the right path sometimes is like sending a freeze disc out in to space, you wait about 5 mins, look down, and its flying around under your feet.

ha! make sense of that one.

Jabba is a good student at CS he just takes longer on new maps, like all us old foggies. plus he likes to jump right into the mix in CS, and we all know that will get you killed real fast.
Fritoman is the best, whether hes working for good or for awesome, some arent sure. I'm a firm believer that he is working for both. Thanks for adopting Relinquish.:P

:ph34r:*poof* disappears.
Reciprocity is in RiP and is good at Ricochet.
Rush is fun, what was his nickname, mouth of the South? But he is good at CS, and pretty good at rico to. Hope to see him in the arena soon.
What can you say about jabba??? mmmm he is probably one of the most successful and ambitious men in the community....he is married with children, use to be in the navy and Richard Gere played him in the movie.;)
oh and he likes good liquor

"private message to magoo" :P
GRITS still doesnt like my name...:P
Im surprised he hasnt been asked to change it.

Plus He comes up with bizarre stories on irc which make grits run away.

Oops i seem to have put he with a capital H. Hes obviously holy.....
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
Annatar, on puirpose, contradicts my stories just because he's jealous...btw my stories are true, well most at least.

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