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Please try again
Miagi moves on to the next tier.
thanks for trying. Let me know the size tshirt you guys want and a land address.
Nice to be victimised for being in a different time zone. Don't think I'll bother next time if that's how it'll be. Oh well.
not fair to whine you weren't 'victimized'
It's also not fair to just state this when I have been available on many occasions and it's just decided like that because tonight I have been out with friends celebrating my new job. That I feel does entitle me to voice a complaint. To say it's whine is unfair on your part.
you're both wrong. . .now let's not argue over petty things.
I could say something to that but rather than do so, I'll simple tell you to mind your own business. You have probably little idea how annoyed I am right now by this, so comments like that just set to add fuel to the fire because it does nothing to help.
The only people to blame are yourselves for not getting the match done. Notice the the date of the first post in this thread? It says March 30th and this isn't even the first thread on this tier. If you look at the last thread that Miagi created it says March 2nd. You had almost 2 months get a freaking grip.

Grits and many others are getting annoyed at how slow the tourney specifically this tier and gave a final date. Miagi was the only one to show so he got his ticket punched for the next round.

Over. End of Story.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
this is why i never compete in tournaments
If i remember correctly, i only remember two occasions where you were available net. Once was when apex was not, not anyones fault there, and the other was when you wanted to play and told GRITS that you only had 20 minutes and to contact miagi and apex to get them to play. This isnt fair to apex/miagi for doing all the work to try and schedule it, as well as GRITS, for asking you twice what time you would be available, to which you didnt reply and for sponsoring the tournament. She made her decision, i'f you would like to debate the issue with me, you are welcome but i dont think that would change the outcome.

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