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completely random thing
help me out at this completely random thing i just found out about today, just started playing today, etc etc etc go to this link

if this sort of stuff annoys you.......

dont click on the link. simple.

oh btw you dont actually need to sign up or anything. just going to the site helps me out, you can then go away again.
ta Freefall (assuming it was you).
and Chent

ok bored of watching whoes reading the thread then seeing my troop count go up and editing my post to say thanks. Blanket thanks to one and all.

bah troop count went up again... i didnt see anyone reading post... oh well thank you anyway.
Now i really am gonna stop doing this. I normally consider myself to have somewhat more of a life (guess i was wrong:))
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
sry mind wandering in circles fragmented thoughts escaping.

After first posting this (original post finishes where i point out the not signing up sentance) i was randomly wandering through msn websites etc etc, but also keeping a close eye on who was scrolling through this particular thread.

Now when you click on the link I get a soldier in a php based game, which helps me. (btw dont be too helpful to me cos i might get suspended if the game runners see the same ppl clicking on the link more than once in 24 hours.)

So when i saw that id got another soldier, i flicked back to vads and saw who was reading this thread, and therefore presumeably had just clicked on my link. And said thank you to them.

Then it all kinda went downhill.

Oh, also thank you Gwar, for giving me another soldier while i was writing this post.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
I HATE this game. Mainly because on the MekTek forums people would sign up just to be able to post links to it and they did it just like spammers do.

They would come on and say "hey I found this great little game" or "Check this out, interesting read"

then they would have the link as "click here", some people even masked the link mouseover with redirectors. It would then say "congrats on signing up for so and so army."

So many people started doing that that we started banning people on sight when they posted that link.

BUT at least you did it the proper way and told people what it was first. So only 20 lashings with the whip:)
Ah. Take it wasnt you who clicked on that link then. Must have been enzymo whoever that is. Ah well thank you for not just removing the post then.

Also theres a fair few other games that use that same system of link-clickage. A vampire game, a popstar game and a few others that i can think of offhand. Dont worry. Im not planning on posting any of those, even if if could get more clicks by naming it XXX ITS ALL FREE HERE or smthing.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
twas me I actually signed up is that bad?
not really... youll get an email asking you to confirm the signup, if you do that you can play the game (and i get a little thing showing you as an officer in my army but that doesnt affect gameplay).

If you dont want to play it just delete the validation email or something.

Oh yeh, thx.:D
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
ya I'm in the same boat as Gwars. I hate it when people say "cool game" etc. and it takes you to that dealy. but considering you just said what it was without some obviously misleading link, I decided to click.

didn't sign up for the game 'cause personally i don't have the time. . .or the patience to go around posting a link that people may or may not click on. but i did get recruited.
Just don't send me into battle. I'll be a medic back at base or something. . but no field, I would like to NOT get blown up by a cannon. hehehe
actually i think you were the one i trained as my first spy.

Unfortuantely at about 8:45am your time you were caught sneaking round someone elses camp, rounded up and executed.

Sorry mate.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
I already played this game before... but 3 days or something like that:P
I don't like games 'you have' to play at least once a day...
spies are badass. I guess I can accept death if i got to be a spy.
I signed up too
would you be PearlJam134??
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
#15 if someone wants to help me out.

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