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Every one hate something
Do you HATE to have to wait, Hate that you don't know the bugs and others do? Hate that you like her and she doesnt like you? (I guess since its internet, Hate that he doesn't or she doesn't(ooo, uni sex thing)ok or Hate that you don't get the same attention as does someone you despise.

Tell it here

ps. let's hold all applause until end of day.
Any form of work. Schoolwork, paperwork, stuff like that. I'd love to just live my life writing stories, essays, what's on my mind, shooting some photographs, playing games, doing stuff with friends, and get paid for it.
Then there's the matter of my high school's administration. It's one big joke, a ridiculous bureaucracy. I'm not sure if this is a thing that only us LAUSD students experience, but does anyone else have a problem with the mfing emergency cards? 10th grade, I never received the card in the mail, and I didn't think about it. I get my program of classes, they tell me to sign a piece of notebook paper because I didn't have the card with me. Weeks later, I find out the paper was supposedly a contract stating I'd bring in the card the next day (there was nothing written on the paper, I wasn't told that, and I wrote my name, not signed it). They tell me this, I figure, ok, give me the card, I'll have it by tomorrow. The a-hole blonde lady in the nurse's office (the nurse is never there, I've never seen her, only this blonde woman who makes it a living hell to ask for a bandage) sent me to B-1, the disciplinary office, basically detention. I am to stay there until my mom takes time off of work to take the card to the school, or until the day is over. Basically, because of a stupid card that has information that has not changed in a year, something that's supposedly for my own good, I'm forced to either miss 4 classes (being in B-1 is non-excuse, essentially you miss work you can't make it up), or have my mom take off work and drive 5 miles to deal with it. She did it. I also almost got detention for not having a doctor's note, one that I was told I could bring any time during the semester, the blonde lady took it upon herself to threaten me with detention and suspension unless I brought it the next day. (I didn't even tell them I had my doctor's appointment yet)
I hate people who use the large networks I administer who REFUSE to RTFM on how to do something.
They REFUSE to learn how and why something doesn't work and will forever be plebes. Such is the
life of a Network Engineer. DO NOT GO INTO THIS CAREER FIELD !! WARNING !!! You will never run
out of idiots who will turn your world into a living hell.
2 examples last month:
One client had printer issues, which amounted to just a paper jam. He ordered a brand new printer....JEEBUS!!
One lady I was with on the phone was having network issues and I was working her through it. I told her to
"right click on the desktop". She said "nothing is happening". I finally got it out of her that she had taken her
freakin pen and wrote the word "click" on her notepad on her desk!!! I remotely connected to her PC and she
had also for some god awful reason changed the name of her My Computer icon to Click. THIS IS NO URBAN
LEGEND! Beware the user!!!!:P
People who ask me what I hate...
I hate when my undwear gets all bunched up. If I wanted a thong, i'd wear one.

I hate it when I slam into trees...

I hate it when when I get bit for no reason other than I put my hand in the cage...

I hate it when my Spaceballs tape breaks because I have watched it too much...

I hate it when I cant think of anything else to hate....

LAUSD blows donkey balls, I agree with g-boy.
Lol Gwars, you're a Spaceballs fan too?!

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
I hate being able to quote nearly every line from that movie...

Actually I don't, but I'm just trying to keep with the subject lol
I hate people who are uneducated. Espically in the computer field, but in life in general. When we're sitting in Government class and no one else has heard of the Korean war I can't stand it. Or when people don't know the difference between their, there, and they're.

I also hate hypocracy. And people who try to be what they're not.

The list could go on and on but those are the big things.
This is a true story.

I was in american history class, in 8th grade. The teacher asked what country the Panama canal was in. Some genius raised his hand and said South Carolina.

So in conclusion i hate stupid ppl.
As the mechanic says when she drives up and says that the thingamajig is acting up when I move the widget.
quarterback says to the computer geek
computer geek says to the quarterback
voter said to politician
politician says to voter
country says to country

[QUOTE]i hate stupid ppl

I wonder how wars start?careful where you tread
I hate it when people write "Asain" instead of "Asian." When I was a freshman in high school my Geography teacher would always write that on the board. I corrected him once and he sent me to the dean. God I hated him.

The other thing I hate is spam/porn in my inbox. If I needed my penis lengthened I wouldn't use methods prescribed by "[email protected]"

The only thing I hate more than the first two, is the combination of the two.
"Check out this hot asain porn while buying a shitty cell phone made by our own personal sweat shops in Kazakhstan!"

I also hate people named Jeff.
"I hate people who are uneducated.
I also hate hypocracy."

*cough*hypocrisy*cough* :blink:

It's all good... I dislike common misspellings... I always correct people who say "your" instead of "you're," or as you said, "there," "their," and "they're." :angry:
Ok 'hate' is a strong word but it really pisses me off when I do something stupid...and when people add a "t" at the end of across..."Go acrosst the road" it is like nails on a chaulk board or when people say fur instead of for.....listen next time someone is many people do you know that dont say 'for' except when they mean the number?:wacko:
i hate being addicted to nicotine :angry:...i hate waking up every morning and feeling like someone placed a 15lb weight on my chest...or walking 3/4 of a mile to my car and having to stop 1-2 times to catch my breath and wipe the sweat off my face...or not being able to get that god damn stink off my fingers no matter how much soap i use...being late to important lectures and appointments because i need 5min to get my fix...feeling perpetually thirsty...

[edited for your safety] sorry, kinda flew off the handle there...felt like a good rant ^_^.
And god I hate asm's avatar.:bgf:
I HATE it when people are AFK for like 20 min. and then come back and say" I don't care enough about you guys, so I'm gonna take another 20 min, I know this inconviences you, but sure helps my egotistical ass out."
LOL was that me Jabba? I came back and played though, i had to help my Mom get the car up the driveway with the freezing rain. Hey there's something I hate, doing physical work with no gain, nothing in it for me. What did i get out of it? WET SOCKS! and we all no how frustrating that can be.

I hate how all the people I like have boyfriends. Can't I get a break godamit?!

I hate Mushrooms and the smell of olives

Once I had the flu, ate a bunch of oreos and threw them back up 5 mins later. I HATE OREO'S!

I hate how I have to monitor my blood sugar, take insulin, excercise regularly, eat healthy and at certain times. I hate having diabetes.

I hate the way she loves the way I hate her.
I hate you
I hate when you walk in to a resturant, and everyone looks up at you like you are going to rob the place, They dont know me or what i really look like under this ski mask, so once i stopped yelling and took off the ski mask, everyone calmed down. but that still pisses me off and i hate that.
a b
I hate people that can't tell when I'm being sarcastic^_^
I hate myself sometimes :/

I hate self righteousness

I hate being lied to

I hate thieves

I hate selfishness

I hate feeling alone

I hate being ignored

I hate cancer

I hate people who blame everything or everyone else, but themselves for their problems

I hate never having enough time in the day

I hate greed

I hate psycho drivers who endanger other peoples lives

I hate violent and cruel people

I hate people with no compassion

I hate unappreciative people

I hate being disrespected for no reason

I hate people who use other people

I hate when people argue about subjects they are ignorant about

I hate bad parents

I hate conglomerates or corporations who monopolize

I hate hypocrisy

I hate that the world is so full of hate

I hate failing

I hate being rejected

I hate when employees call in sick when the weather gets nice

I hate being dissed

I hate being so randy all the time and not being able to do a damn thing about it unless I'm all alone :/

I hate regrets

I hate the way I look sometimes

I hate bullies

I hate when people are inconsiderate

I hate when people are shallow

I hate getting getting sick

I hate that I missed free love

I hate my ensecurities

I hate bad service at restraunts

I hate when I order a steak medium rare and I get it medium or well done instead

I hate drinking too much and feeling like crap the next day

I hate being late for work

I hate when my cats puke up hairballs on my carpet

I hate when my appliances break

I hate shoving my foot in my mouth

I hate making people cry

I hate con artists that prey on the ederly

I hate when my ISP crashes and I can't get online

I hate running out of windshield washing juice when a log truck passes me and leave my muddy water all over my windshield

I hate hitting black ice while driving

I hate wiping out on my snowboard and getting the complete wind knocked out of me in front of girls and not being able to breath for two minutes

I hate getting burned by anything hot

I hate stubbing my toe on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night

I hate watching my favorite boxer get knocked out like a little girl

I hate spam email ( life insurance, home equity loans, herbal penis enlargement and digital cable descrambler ads)

I hate being swamped with phone calls, people stopping by to see me, 10 million other things going on all at once, going into a fluster, everyone leaving and being alone for the complete rest of the day after everyone has left me alone

I hate feeling like I'm missing out on something

I hate not getting enough sleep the night before and being tired and cranky at work

I hate child molesters
I hate logging into VADS and there only being newbs.

I hate not being around lil face <3

I hate it when I don't get everything I planned accomplished in a day, week, month...ect.

I hate when my friend tells me he is going to kill himself when he is 45 so he wont end up like a vegetable like his grandfather is.

I hate that I feel I will do the same thing if I fail to accomplish all my goals.

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
I hate low pressure toilets.

There's nothing that will anger me more than having to get up and plunge the fruit of my labor just after the vigerous excercise that put it there.

Yep... :ghost:
"I hate Hypocracy"<_<

Once again... I hate misspellings!:angry:
I hate feeling guilty after reading all these posts.
Don't forget about people named Jeff.
One more thing that I hate. I think I hate this more than stupid ppl.... But it kind of goes hand in hand since stupid ppl usually do this.

MISUSING the word ignorant. Damn that is annoying. Those damn ghetto thugs took a perfectly good SAT word and misused it how they thought fit.

ignorant's defination according to the thugs: rude
REAL definition: not knowing

I seriously would like to know how not knowing, can become confused with rude?<_<

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