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Rules - Ricochet Tournament Time Again
Time to start listing the rules
the first one is a no brainer but needs to be put in print for those that need hard facts

Anyone caught cheating will be kicked out of the tournament. You can not just accuse someone. Do what you can to document. If enough evidence is supplied the match will be forfeited, if not then the match will be scored as played. The final decision will be up to the Sr admins.

If you dont know how to make a demo ask before your match. All matches should have demos.
We personally don't believe any of the players that have signed up would 'cheat'. Once the rules are all posted you can always pull out of the tournament if you think your playing style constitutes a cheat.
clarification on the first rule

What is cheating?

If you are an admin on Vadavaka do not use any admin commands except to lock and unlock the server for 1 on 1 play any other admin commands used during a match are considered cheats.
admin_slay is definitely a cheat:blink:
Intentional use of exploits/bugs is considered a cheat.
If you float during a match, do not fire at the other person, go down to the bottom of the map and kill yourself. If you don't it will be considered cheating and you will be kicked out of the tournament.
We all know that floating happens now and then by accident so don’t accuse your opponent of cheating if the person resets by killing themselves. The demo will show if the floating continues.
Match time

elimination matches will be 30 min long
kills/frags is how the matches are scored, it is the players with the most frags that move on to the next round
If there is a tie at the end of the official time, the match will continue for a maximum of 5 additional minutes the first of the tied players to score moves on

we will set up a thread for each match
the only people who can post there will be the players of the match and the admin who is referee for that match all other posts will be deleted.

the thread will be for the players to come to a match time agreement and general communications.
The referee will make sure the server is empty for the match, lock the server give the password to the players and reset the map and then once everyone returns they are to wait on a bottom pad until the referee(who will be spectating) performs a countdown.
You have fourteen (14) days from the day your thread goes up to play your match.
If you have not posted in the thread within the first 3 days you will forfeit the match.

If for any approved reason you miss your match date you will have the remainder of what is left of the original 14 days to make it up. You are allowed one ‘permitted’ excuse for the duration of the entire tournament.

will be assigned only in the first tier matches. Alternates will be assigned in place of a no show for the first tier. Maximum of two alternates will be assigned per bracket

This is as pro as it gets this time. There will be no whining about time zones and lag. It is up to you to make arrangements that suit you and your opponent.

A timezone converter can be found at

Exceptions to missed matches will be reviewed by the senior admins. You will want to explain your side as soon as possible for review in your thread.
Lag situations will be addressed in the legitimate excuses post.
All matches do not have to be played on Vad’s or GRITS servers. You can play on any agreed upon server that can be locked for your match. If there is no agreement to play elsewhere then the community servers are where you play your match.
There will be no power ups. You must have this tournament map before your match time. This is a jump-skill and aim/timing-skill tournament. Type killing is acceptable in tournament play. Even I can go without typing for 30 minutes.....ok well maybe not but I wont complain if I get killed while I am doing it.:rolleyes:
One and only one spray can be left at the end of the match for when you take your screen shot.
Screen shots (console command snapshot) are needed for proof of score.

Players should take a screen shot and post in their match thread. Please use a .jpg format for your screen shot when you post in the forums.
spawn camping and spawn killing are unacceptable at any time on the servers and even more so during tournament play.

just DONT do it
Since I've never been in a DM tourney.. and I VERY rarely play dm.. I just wanna get some things cleared up first...

So the 4 of us in each bracket play each other.. and the top 3 persons who have the most kill/frags/whateveryouwanttocallits will move on to the next round? correct?
Yes. Top 3 in each tier in the first round advance.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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