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Days Of Our Half-Lives
WTF??? No!! death to you....

- go to hell april fool's...
Another half of our day is coming up soon and I wish there was more to follow up on, but here it is.
-First there have not been any denials of accusations to former information supplied with the exception to N. Korea. N. korea vehemently denied that they were not in any way involved in the making of "Girls gone wild in Tampa"
- two confessions were recieved, but further investigations have proved them to be false. (publicity hounds)
-there is definitely no date set yet for celebrity death match(hopefully will hear from their agents soon).
-pique may edge out cloud in hottie vs ladies never know poll
-ozzy did admit being in nova scotia a few yrs ago.
-And this just in from our roaming reporter; Grits is definitely not getting married(to Cloudfuel).
-according to wide spread rumors(accept these blindly please/Xp asks and so do I) I can be bought. viva las vegas
And this just in from our roaming reporter; Grits is definitely not getting married(to Cloudfuel).

...I don't remember that being the plan to begin with....
As another half of our day starts to unfold, what will we find:
-will a mini chip be able to win the ways of a major babe.
-and how far does the apple or some kind of fruit fall from the tree.hmmmm
-is there more to wd than meets the eye
-does shalk have ambitions for higher learning and can he make the grade
-when will some people believe that disco and lsd or acid are not cool anymore(so i'm told by inside gangster)
-rumors are of a poll when CNN will show some new news
-did wild bill cody really ride in the pony express
-when will some lil punk quit riding someone about something they are missing.
ok I get it now :lol:
who is going to keep the soap going while you are on vacation?:unsure:
maybe a poll is in order:thinkey:
ya jabbster you make good polls, keep em comin!:thumb::smurf:
Another half of our days has started to unfold.
-if anyone hasn't noticed in our fantasy land, Sadaam isn't sure if we are in Iraq yet.
-along the same lines, not sure if anyone knows april fools day has come and gone.
-did we all have a brain cloud?
-but as a child, we all learned "every cloud has a silver lining"
-on a world note, wish mr. collen powell could facilitate the inner battles at pr0.
-is rip site being torn apart?
-some say a battle for authority may be brewing but it may be a lil white lie
-word on the street is an awful rumor was started and certain a newb and rival really have been lonely all this time.
-on the same note, we've learned that punks of the world don't like fruit either.
-is it april or me to notice shakira's heads not up in the clouds anymore.
-according to reliable sources the devil is heading south for spring. so all should watch out. girls are better from the south.
-do punks hate dope?
-not sure what use acid can be for, but hope it helps remember the next morning
-have heard we want most soldiers back home, but some JOKERS should go there.
-now that jr was rejected by the punk gang and funk gang, will he be accepted by the shak's gang, maybe start his own gang
-anyone know if ozzy and bastard child son will be in orlando soon?
-do wolves howl at the morning.
-are musketeers still looking after our princess

-finally, God has been allowed back at pro. but dancers have to stay away.(not sure who they want there)
Okay sweet ! I'm all caught up, sorta kinda. I never thought a soap could be so...umm...not soapy??? :huh:
Don't start missing days now that I'm here!!! :ph34r:
ok now what about me? and who's this jr guy trying to get into our gang?
wtf cloud, it is a public forum, anyone can join. Don't treat it like only elite players or regulars can participate. If the guy wants to post with the rest of us, then let him. "trying to get in..." i think something has gone to your head man.
umm...hold the **** up. First off you don't know wtf you're talking about, cuz I was referring to the comments that jabba made with my NAME attached to them. Second, I know Evan in real life...I got him hooked onto this game so I don't think ANYTHING has gone to my head...
oh sorry... please don't hate me..
urgent, urgent, this just in. Some people are grounded and sane, while other eyes continue to be Cloudy.
Oh nooooo, fighting over lil' ol' me???? Please let's all just talk this out over a nice cold one..or two....or three.

P.S. - Cloudy jokes getting a little played out? Ya'll need a new way to make fun of calling him "little buddy" or "skipper." MUAHAHAHAHA!!! (Calm down skipper!) :lol:
how dare you! I still luv ya pG...and're toast...
This just in, ABE PRACTICED GUITAR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE. After having told Blake he would like...a year ago was it? :lol:
woot it's about time...see by now you could've had Tool, creed, finger eleven, linkin park, and much much more down!
jabbahunt,Apr 5 2003, 11:40 PM Wrote:Another half of our days has started to unfold.
-if anyone hasn't noticed in our fantasy land, Sadaam isn't sure if we are in Iraq yet.
-along the same lines, not sure if anyone knows april fools day has come and gone.
-did we all have a brain cloud?
-but as a child, we all learned "every cloud has a silver lining"
-on a world note, wish mr. collen powell could facilitate the inner battles at pr0.
-is rip site being torn apart?
-some say a battle for authority may be brewing but it may be a lil white lie
-word on the street is an awful rumor was started and certain a newb and rival really have been lonely all this time.
-on the same note, we've learned that punks of the world don't like fruit either.
-is it april or me to notice shakira's heads not up in the clouds anymore.
-according to reliable sources the devil is heading south for spring. so all should watch out. girls are better from the south.
-do punks hate dope?
-not sure what use acid can be for, but hope it helps remember the next morning
-have heard we want most soldiers back home, but some JOKERS should go there.
-now that jr was rejected by the punk gang and funk gang, will he be accepted by the shak's gang, maybe start his own gang
-anyone know if ozzy and bastard child son will be in orlando soon?
-do wolves howl at the morning.
-are musketeers still looking after our princess

-finally, God has been allowed back at pro. but dancers have to stay away.(not sure who they want there)
wow i feel like ive been hibernating for a month... I dont play RC for a week and im 6 miles behind on all the news... i didnt know any of that:P
Wow, where to start in this half of our day.
-between the nite vampires and the morning day walkers, feel like the guy in Crossing Over.
-It seems predictions were true and another of our shows has been canceled.
-rumors are Iraqis were responsible for training soldiers there and they got confused.
-seems we may be saying rest in peace to one of newest shows if a new map isn't drawn.
-we have a new member, who is quite the character, will a black cloud cost him his soul and future promotions.
-has any seen a lil grit? or just a big S...
-It's rumored with all Fritos go with a little dip.
-it it a conundrum when an evil love child is older than mother and father.
-after being scared by Mike, will Mike once again see his brother Mike, and will Mike be welcomed by Mike
-it seems the ADMINs have circled their wagons once again in face of further abuse from defenseless newbs
-all you good little red riding hoods, better watch out for the big bad wolf.
-conract has been issued, all killers of johnny, dial 1-800-555-punk
-In looking for best, are all scared of the rest?
-according to latest poll you are fair game if you are.
-best at
-being the worse
-Some rumors find fire, innuendos come true. You may duck and hide but, eventually all will pass thru.
Quote:according to latest poll you are fair game if you are.
-best at
-being the worse

Uh oh, looks like the new guy's in season...I think he went that way!!! :ph34r:
nah me and Abe (Soul) are cool...I just want him to be happy in this community and become a badass...which honestly he is already doing. He is definitely the best player after only playing a week of rico...he's the best I've ever seen atleast. Watch out Shaki, RWS, Gemakk, Rule, and all you other badasses...we have a new one on our hands...:blink:
Hrm, what happened? Did our half-lives just end or something? Someone's not doing their job here!!!!! :D
their*'s their abe...
cub reporter Jabba is on assignment in Florida and will return soon to continue the Half-life saga
yeah nice cheat abe....editing your post after I post mine....BLAH!
As I welcome all my brethren back into my half-life, the thought of such discontent disturbs me so.
-it seems spring has not brought the same brightness to all lives as it has done for me.
-rumors have the alkaline balance out of wack, and acidity levels so high they will probably drain the pool.
-pique, saran, steve, is much loved and misunderstood in our community(when will the profiling stop)(some problems are solved by not starting them).
-beware all servers, spy's are now infiltrating all games and wonids are being collected: example; jismiteskieytonith /wonid 12345667 said i love god and allah secretly, clinton is my hero, and omaha sucks(liars, liars), and this person should be banned for life ( and they said sadaam was in disney world)
- vacation house, disney tickets, dinner at sakamoto's $1386,
-look on my wife's face when mickey hugged her, >>>PRICELESS.
-parasailing 1000 ft over st petersburg, $50.
-stupid look on my face as we plummeted>>>ok, pretty cheap
-cabanna on beach for 4 days $60>>>>>>>>>>>>>>being 40 under that cabanna during spring break>.>>>>PRICELESs
-golf at keenes pt. $50, titlest pro. v balls $39, lunch in restaurant =$15, drinks=$25, seeing shaks, tigers, wesly snipe, ken griffey jr. , thurgood marshalls's house as well as the gat0r watching my sand shot=way priceless.
-rumor has it I might have been missed, can't confirm, but good contact.:)
-there was a mission and we tried to crusade and confront evil while in Tampa, but lure of money and free oysters kept us form confronting evil, the devil put a wall up.
Whoooo, Jabba has returned! Welcome back, buddy! :wacko:

Just want to give my quick 2 cents in, Jaba. Everything looks good here in the forums!
Looks like everyone's doing a great job. I will be checking in from time to time now.


I don't know what my job is, but I think I do it well!!! :blink:

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