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Let's go out kicking and screaming
You guys are so good at it....I mean ricochet....well you are good at kicking and screaming too from what I hear
PnG suggested a last Hurrah on the weekend of the 23rd, 24th and 25th
I say lets do it, put it in your books in ink and then show up some time. post here when you think you can go in...or go to ts2 or mIRC and look for us

I will try and be on as much as possible all three days....after 430 EST on Friday but as soon as I get up on Saturday and Sunday and until I fall asleep. might not be playing the whole time so if I am not on a server look for me on mIRC and ts2 and I will make the time to play

if you havent played me in a while you are in for a surprise, thanks to my mentors, just ask RWS B)
If you have contact with 'old players' let them know to stop in for a quick game

only thing that will stop us if won is still up, is the matches for the tourney....Please get those finished up we can put it in the history books as the last hurrah for won rico

Yeah I know steam is where we will end up and we will have a server there for sure...but this is like changing schools or something...and we should make it a memory and we should do it together.:heartbeat:
Count me in.
I will be there as much as possible, sad to see won rico go:(, that is where I started my gaming and met all you cool people. hope to see everyone there:Dseems like only yesterday GRITS ask me, if she got a server, would I would play rico there?, and of course I said hell ya!! and I would do it all over in a second. It has been a great couple of years and I cant wait for the next couple :thumb:
hell ya >:D, count me in. Just to mention, i played with mew a few days ago and RWS it was really really fun, old styles i forgot about.
you know, I don't actually think i'm here that weekend, but I will try.
I will be there:)
[Image: olbestlogo5tq.jpg]
Thanks QOLIM
[Image: olbest.png]
I'm in :D
w00t... i know where i'll be then
Well, I'm INVISIBLE AGAIN ... I might as well pay a visit to the LADIES ROOM ...
Without ice cream life and fame are meaningless.
[Image: stoned.jpg]
I'll join.:P
:(Oh right I cant make it, at the summer cottage at that time

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