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ill make this my goodbye post. Im leavin tommarow. I wont have access to a gaming computer. Might come in the forums every now and then...prolly not. Ricochet's been the closest thing ive had to being my own little mod. Wont forget it. Peace
It's a shame to see you go, Thanks for everything you've done. GL in school.
Thanks for the Steam rico fix, and the maps. Have fun.

Some interesting points are made in the flash, but none point to a missle. A missle of that size would do a lot more than spew fire gently upwards.
unless it was made to do so.
I guess I should post the exact same thing here that I posted over at MekTek, I believe it kills off every single point INCLUDING showing picture of at least 1 engine partly survived. And also parts of the plane that were found on the ground.

The problem with with stuff like this is that people only show you the evidence that backup their story. They always leave other evidence out...

Will post it in a few minutes soon as I'm done here and read mektek
There are some points here that had to do with the conversation over on MekTek but I will leave everything as it is over there...

Quote:First off to dispell something, the towers were designed to survive a hit from the largest plane at the time, which was 727 or 737 I believe.  Both of which are much smaller then a 747.

Second of all the Pentagon was never designed for a direct hit by a nuke.  When it was build nukes were very small and in accurate.  Today a single warhead could easily blow away the pentagon.

3rd if this was a missile that looked like a plane that was fired at the pentagon by people in their own government, how the heck did they get the thing ready so quick and fire it off.

4th a cruse missle is no where near the size of a 747.  If you mistake a curse missle for a 747 then you need glasses.

5th a missle and a jet sound basically the same, LOUD!  If the missle was the same size as the 747 then it would should pretty much like it.

6th planes are strong but fragile.  The plane could have dove into the building, and while the front of the plane gets squished in it pushes stuff towatds the back and makes the hole.  Meanwhile as the plane is still crashing in the front, the wings get folded back due to the reenforced structure and still have motion so they get brought into the build with the rest of the plane.

Where do the wings fold at, who knows, it could be near the tips it could be near the middle, it could be right where they meet the rest of the plane.  My guess is around the middle somewhere.

BTW I believe it was the C ring that it penatrated.  (thought it went a to e ring from the outside in, but by the looks of this image it goes from inside out)  So the plane hit and went through e, made a smaller hole in d and made a small exit hole in c.
Here is a arial shot of the hole

Also the outter skin of the pentagon might be able to survive a distant nuke blast but the inner parts don't have to after all the outer part should deflect it so the inner parts are not as stong as the outer skin.

7th aircraft fuel burns a heck of a lot hotter then normal gas.  We're talking REALLY hot.  Hot enough to melt thick steal beams that hold up buildings.  Aluminum melts at alot lower tempture.  That easily explains why there was nothing left of the plane inside after all the hours that the pentagon was burning.  Same with the engines, they are not solid steel they are made out of thin materal that could easily melt in that kind of heat.

Oh hey what do you know, something of the engines did survive...

Also planes break up differently.  At one crash sight you could have basically a whole plane with only a few parts missing and when you look at it it looks like a plane.  Or you could have another crash of the exact same type of plane and find nothing bigger then a piece of bread.

I beleve in the towers they only found 1 or 3 engines and thats cause they went completly through.  Same with other parts of the plane.

I found these images just doing a quick seach for "pentagon engine" on google.

8th the pentagon has a highway infront of it which is up higher then the grass, maybe that is the ground it hit first.  With the next image you can see that there are light poles that are not that tall knocked over.  I missle would not have done that and kept on going straight.


I'm sure I'm missing parts here but I have proved my point.  There was no conspiracy.
Who designs a multi-million dollar cruise missile to not destroy as much as it can? Not to mention leave windows intact.
someone who doesnt want us to think it was a cruise missile.
That's an awful lot of effort for something that a kid with Flash installed on his PC can pick apart.

Crappy attempt at hiding missle:
-kid pulls whole thing down with nothing but news footage
-lots of people who need to keep their mouths shut about getting the missle, retrofitting it, transporting it, hiding it, and launching it
-amount of money spent on staff and equipment in excess of $100,000

Decent attempt at hidding missle (use a plane):
-terrorism associated with WTC attack assumed, nobody asks questions
-three, maybe four isolated field operatives with jobs to pay their own way
-box cutter + pilot training + airline ticket < $10,000
it does bring up some interesting questions... but IF it was in fact a cruise missile, the people who make the missiles don't exactly need to be informed on it's use, they're there to do a job. And yes aircraft fuel burns very hot and while I don't know for a fact that it can melt a planes fuselage (sp?) I'll take your word on it, but in those photos, yes the ones that are nothing but news footage (but do you have any other footage that could be used?), the firefighters doing their job and no plane in sight... how could it melt up faster than it takes the firefighters to start, well, fire fighting? ... I'm not saying it was a missile, my thought was that a missile would just blow up on contact. However, I am suspicious about the happening of the event, and whether or not we all know what happened that day. Call me a conspiracy nut.
who is to say that it was melted at that point, maybe as it was going in it was getting shreaded to pieces.

In this picture show me where large chunks of the plane are, you can't because there are none and it was a 747 that crashed into the hotel...

In this picture there are only a few large chunks but you can see them because the plane hit the ground.

Most of debre from the plane would have been carried inside the pentagon not bounce off of it. This is why you see almost nothing outside, just stuff that might have been spit out with an explosion. Then you combine the regular burning heat of the fuel with the enclosed space of the pentagon and I wouldn't doubt that the temp in side there could have reached at least 4000 to 5000 degrees in some spots.
BTW have you ever seen the size of a cruse missles?

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There is no way you could mistake a cruse missle for a 757. There is no way you could mistake that for anykind of airliner.

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