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Keyboard problems
I've been having some responsiveness problems with my keyboard while playing rico. A strafe button will freeze unexpectedly while im playing, or I will begin tap a directional key once and continue to move in that direction without holding down the key. Basically I can't play rico unless I can resolve the problem so im looking for some advice. It started a few days ago for no apparent reason... although I did encounter this problem off and on about a year ago (it was never this bad). I don't see how it can be a problem due to the keyboard alone since I'm able to type perfectly fine when I'm having this difficulty. Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated.

-- Thrice
I will still go for the punching method :P but maybe a new keyboard might be best or cleaning the inside heh that is all I can give:Dsorry it's not much.
Does this happen in other games too? This is a pretty weird problem. I'd just buy a new keyboard, a good one is pretty cheap.
lately ive been having the same problem, and ive used the ps2 keyboard and the lap-top one.
Thanks for responding... I somehow doubt a new keyboard would work seeing as this is a ricochet-isolated problem, but it may have something to do with the keyboard. Cow -- what kind of keyboard do you have and how did u get Half-life? Retail? Download? Mine was retail... I'm not sure how to explain this problem but any info will help i guess. :mellow:
Is there another keyboard around that you can try (without buying one first)?
I don't have any other keyboards. I also tested to see if it worked on CS and it does. I try rico every day or so, but the problem seems to be getting worse. I'm still confused. :unsure:
It works again for no apparent reason. Guess ill just forget about it until it happens again. :D
Same exact thing happens to me, but it also does it in other half-life mods too but mostly in Rico.

It will come and go and no idea what causes it. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember.

On the steam forums search for laggy keyboard or laggy keys

There are many people that this seems to be happening to. Some people have tried things and it worked but others it hasn't worked. It seems hit or miss.
I have a wireless keyboard and I get this sort of thing frequently-- but it's wireless, so interference:(

Anyway, I've learned to live with it for the most part in Rico or CS, but while typing it's pretty evil

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