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Gamespot to review HL2 on Monday
This is from one of the Gamespot editors on their forums:

We'll be posting our review of Half-Life 2 at 12:00pm PST on Monday, 11/15/2004. We won't say a word about the game before that review goes live.

I think that pretty well answers everyone's questions.

Currently that page just has the word "blank" on it, but that should be the proper link when it goes up.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Gamespot gave it a 9.2 saying the story was a dissapointment. IGN however gave the game a 9.7.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
How the heck can they give it a 9.2 if they didn't think the story was good, didn't like that it was only about 15 to 20 hours in length, didn't like that it didn't come with multiplayer that you can play on the HL2 maps only had 3 new weapons, didn't like some of the game play and a bunch of other things.

It sounds more like they were paid off to give a good review of it or they gave the visual effects and other stuff too much credit. Just by what they said I could not give more then an 7.5 or an 8.

I will do a review of it myself once I have the game but then again no one will care because by then it will be out for many months.
Gwar 15 to 20 hours is great for a FPS. This isn't a RPG. FPS get very tedious going any longer. Most FPS are around the 10 hour mark.

They are the toughest reviewers around. They gave Halo2 a 9.4 when everyone else gave it 9.7 and up.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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