Poll: I would love to be able to....
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Fly without the aid of technology
4 13.79%
Have a personal 'wall hack' i.e. x-ray vision
0 0%
Stop time
8 27.59%
Read Minds
4 13.79%
Have unlimited knowledge (really be a know it all)
4 13.79%
Never need sleep
1 3.45%
Give off pheromones that overwhelm the opposite sex (love potion #9 scenario)
1 3.45%
Possess hulk like strength
0 0%
Be invisible (for real not just feel like it sometimes)
4 13.79%
Have endless stamina for ....well just about anything
3 10.34%
Total 29 vote(s) 100%
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If you could......
Topic came up in game last night and it had me thinking...and since we haven't had a new poll in a while I thought it would be cool. Left it open for replies because I know that...even tho I came up with some good ones...you guys probably have some pretty creative "special powers" you would like to possess that I haven't even thought about. :P
For me it comes down to "Have unlimited knowledge (really be a know it all)"

Here is the reasons....

Flying would be nice, but if the government found you they would disect you to see how you do it. With knowledge thou you could make a liquid or something that helps you fly.

x-ray vision would just get borning after a while (looking at peoples bones?? Not as interesting as looking at women's skin :D With knowledge you could make contacts that do this.

Stop time could be fun, but thats about it. The other other thing it would be good for is robbing banks and other "naughty" stuff. With knowledge you could make a little watch or something to do that.

You might not like what you hear in other peoples minds if you are reading them, thou it would be very good for going to prisions and finding out who is actualy guilty and who isn't. With knowledge you could make many machines that could be fool proof for determining who is actually guily and who isn't, or for reading peoples minds and displaying it on a tv for recording.

I almost never sleep now and the sleep that I do get is not very good, but with knowledge you could make something that has no side effects and that can keep you up for ever.

Knowledge could make gallons of love potion #9

Strength would be nice, but again you might be hunted down and disected to see what makes you so strong. With knowledge you could make something that you drink that has no side effects but make you super strong. Besides being 10 foot tall, green with an anger problem would make it hard to blend in. :D

Being invisible would be cool, but think of the problems with crossing intersections... ouch. And again that disection thing again. With Knowledge you could make a potion or machine that you can use to turn invisible and visable at will.

Endless stamina would be nice, but again with knowledge you could make something to give you it.

So as you can see with unlimited knowledge you would be able to do anything you wanted. It would allow you to solve the problems of the world, make money, get women (or guys) or anything you want, cause as the saying goes "Knowledge is Power"
a b
Haha smartass ... I vote for a removal of "be a know-it-all" from the poll! I never liked Superman, because he is too strong. People should not be allowed to create characters that are as powerful as Superman. Kryptonite weakness ... pfft ... It's mad I tell you, mad.

It's a toughie, but since I already possess Hulk-like strength, I think I'd like to add stoppage of time (having full control over time would be preferable, of course) to my arsenal. I would have the freedom to do almost anything.

I think the real question is what would you do with these superpowers? Do you think you would be allowed to play sports? I mean of some guy could go from one end of the court to the other in a split second then I don't think he would be allowed to play. If you could smash some guys skull in with one punch then you probably wouldn't be able to box either. That is my concern, the oppression of the mutants!!

Also, would you be a bad guy or a good guy? One must not underestimate the attraction women have to the "bad guy," but I don't think I could bring myself to it. I remember in Fallout2 I just couldn't play as a bad guy. I couldn't pimp or kill the innocent, and when I tried to I didn't do a very good job of it. Yes, I would be the good guy, whom some would fear, but many would love.
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
This is an outrage ... I hit view results first and now it won't let me vote! It's mad I tell you, mad.
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
hehehe sock....I am loving this thread...:D
**Gwarsbane smacks Wha? in the back of the head...**

Thanks alot for bringing up that people would be after me because I had that knowledge. Till now I was thinking that would be the best power. :D

Than again.... with that knowledge I could make a machine that will warn me of any spies or anyone trying to kill me with in 50 miles of my bunker... I mean home and I could have it automatically put up a force field that they knowledge helped me make to keep me safe.

Also with that knowledge I would be able to make anything or at least how to make the equipment to make the parts that I need to make an invention. First thing I would make would be a cold fusion power source and a industrial replicator like on startrek for making small to large items. The cold fusion power source would be to power the replicator and then eventually I would make the tech aviliable for everyone. Then no money would be needed any more.
Hmm... I put read minds... simply because I think it's the least obvious one (meaning people wouldn't necessarily notice). I'd just find ways to use it. Otherwise, strength would be rather awesome... I've always thought since I was little that spiderman's powers were cool... super strength, agility, stamina, ability to stick to most surfaces, precognition... and with the knowledge of how to make that webbing, he can do all kinds of stuff, the swinging is practically a form of flying (if you're in a city with tall buildings...).
I'd be careful of ESP... watch "The Dead Zone" because they've found all kinds of ways that it's more of a curse than a gift.
Infinite knowledge please! Knowing EVERYTHING would simply be awesome.
Quote:With knowledge thou you could make a liquid or something that helps you fly.

Like Alcohol?:P
Hahahhaha, that's great Acid. I'm horrible with these...because either everything isn't me or they turn out as bad ideas.

Flying is great until you get struck by lightning, are flown into or electrified by flying into wires, fly into a building, or get shot by some crazy person shooting their gun off on New Years.

Wallhack would be fantastic if it wasn't so easy to run into walls, poles, or people(since you can only see their skeletal frame and nothing on top of that).

Ability to stop time? If you really think about it the universe, including yourself, would be frozen in time for an eternity the moment you activate that power. If this isn't the case, you'd still have to stand perfectly still unless you want to to be shredded into parmesan by the frozen, seemingly petrified molecules/dust/dirt/pollen/etc floating in the air.

If you could read minds you wouldn't have to worry about paranoia, but you'd have to deal with the fact you'd never be able to unknowingly place your trust in people ever again. Sometimes, I can settle for the safety of ignorance.

The knowledge thing would be great and all, but think...if you didn't have the intelligent people of the species stalking and bothering you constantly because of your all-knowing mind, you'd have religious people wanting to get you killed because you'd know as much as their god. People would be jealous of your intelligence and wisdom. People would no longer have aspirations of discovering something new because you would have already discovered it. Too many people would be miserable. Not the power for me.

Never need sleep? People don't need sleep anyways. Rest, we need. Sleep, a particular form of resting, we don't need. Nonetheless, sometimes I prefer the peace of sleep, even if my back kills me every morning. And if I awake in the middle of the night. :P

I'd rather not rely on bodily perfumes to attract the opposite sex, thank you. Besides the fact "rhinos"(sorry, but they make me uncomfortable when they get flirty) will uncontrollably grovel at your feet for sexual pleasure. *shudder*

I'm almost content with the strength I have right now. Having unbelievable strength wouldn't be too great if I had to be as gentle as superhumanly possible. I just wouldn't get used to that, I'd be a real, living, breathing master of disaster.

Being invisible, in either sense, isn't a great way to make friends. ^_^

I can only think of one reason I'd want endless stamina, and that'd be useless if I was the only one with it. :lol:

Well...I guess that pretty much does it for me. I'd rather be your physically average guy. ;)
Meanwhile, I'll be physically kicking your ass while you're frozen in time.
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
ok my favorite line so far......

Quote:I can only think of one reason I'd want endless stamina, and that'd be useless if I was the only one with it. 

gee where do you think my mind is tonight:blsh:
Quote:you'd have religious people wanting to get you killed because you'd know as much as their god. People would be jealous of your intelligence and wisdom.

Uhh well, if you're as smart as THAT, I think I'd know better than to let people know of my intelligence.
Hell, Acid. The person with the power was the only person that could ever know about it, or their works. What's the point of having all that knowledge? You'd have to be a cranky old hermit! :D
Well I don't know, I just think that "Infinite Knowledge" is the only choice out of that poll that doesn't have some hidden flaw.
a b
and GRITS...back to her *dirrty* self again...lol hey girl........how you doin?
I agree with Wha?... simply too much knowledge could be painful in a way. Read the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars)... basically these scientists are the lead terraformers of Mars, and while they are there, they use new treatments that extend their lives... so some of them get over 200 years old, and they have so much knowledge, so many memories, it becomes a problem. Sometimes they just forget things, but it gets so bad that many of them just die without any warning. There's only so much one can handle....
Which is why I picked endless stamina. :P If good doesn't come of it, the only thing that could go wrong is I'd be bored with everyone elses' limited stamina. And I'm already always bored, so yeah!
I just thought of one that is subtle, but would be extremely useful... the ability to FORGET. That is, being able to forget something you don't need to remember. Think about it...
OK I'd gladly take any or all of the above, but one I think should be on there is Telekenesis. You know, being about to move things with your mind! Thats a great way to freak anyone out, great for an icebreaker, great for everything! And some people can actually do it, too! Now I'm talking Charles Xavier type power, not the little ampount humans can do...Yes its a tie between being able to fly and telekensis for me. I'd have to think for like a whole day to decide which I'd rather have, but at this point I think telekenesis would come out on top, because it would be so less obvious and you could do it just sitting and not really draw any attention to yourself...really fookin amazing!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
Wait wait...another idea has come to mind...I'm a huge Lord of the Rings/ Silmarillion fan, and if I could slip on my ring of power (which I seriously have), say the rhyme in the dark tongue, and then go invisible and say it again to reappear, that would be amazing...the only thing is that I'd have to be able to make myself like a gas or something at will so people wouldnt bump me or cars wouldnt hit me cause they ouldnt see me...Yes, thats what I'd go for, if I could have the requests I've asked for.:thumb:
a b
Grrr, just pick one on the list!!! :lol:

(Actually I'd like to speak any imaginable language at will. Of course I'd probably forget how to with as forgetful as I am.)

Actually Gboy I have that power. Unfortunately it's extreme and uncontrollable. I have just about as much short term memory as I have intelligence. :P
Yes, yes it certainly would...this is forum discussion now, not a poll. move it to the Ricochet talk.
I'd want to become invisible so I could fulfill all of my sick fantasies.
Ohhh, the things I'd...AHEM..I mean...come on now, invisibility's not all that great! Oh and imagine if you tried using unbelievable speed to fulfill your sick fantasies. Ever hear that one superman joke? :lol: Talk about a pain in the ass.
I have to go with Stopping time with this one. With invisibility you fulfill your sick fantasies with the second party knowing, while I get away with it unbeknownst to the other participating party. It brings a new definition to the word "quickie." To bring to a complete halt also implies that I would have the ability to slow time as well. The biggest reason though, is the fact that stopping time lets me kick all your asses.
I thought I explained the problem with stopping time already. Making everything else move slower is even worse!!! Instead of rendering yourself with the wrath of frozen particles, you would cause destruction towards anything you touched including yourself.

Imagine, you see everything else as moving slow, but they'll see you as moving incredibly fast. If you were to collide with a person, it'd be like running into them while going faster than the speed of sound. Just imagine if you bumped into a pole or wall. You'd smash your brains in! :wacko:

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