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Xfire Lawsuit

As far as my opinion, yahoo owns what they currently have, not what someone improves/enhances. They don't/shouldn't own the person and any future work they create for free.

Yahoo is pretty successful, but yet they feel they should sue over something stupid. Thats greed. Money is all they see and think about, they forgot what their initial goal for yahoo was..

I just hope google doesn't turn out like them.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

You act surprised. Corporations are evil, they are run by evil, greedy men and the orginal owners or if it is run by the original owners they have been corrupted by greed. Always remember Money is the root of all evil.
I think money isn't the root of all evil it's the people behind the money that act on that evil and decide the use of thier money, it's those "people" who are evil. Money is just paper it can NOT do anything!
Damn its a metaphor. I think you read to deeply into the expression.
NO not at all i'm just saying what I feel u can think what u want but that's just how I feel!
They deffinatley go hand in hand. Money is what evil people use to do evil things, but if you get rid of it, evil will still exist.
girls = time + money
time = money
girls = money^2
money is the root of all evil
girls = evil

I think you both have it confused.
This is not correct:P
a+a = 2*a
a*a = a² (a^2)
So it has to be:
Girls = Time*Money

Do I sounld like a teacher?:)

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