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New and Current Map Cycle
Finally got around to testing and adding maps. Remember this is just the start more will be added. There are always going to be certain maps that people don't like and vise versa. Try to deal with it. We are trying to add variety to the server not to please individual people and their tastes. It will take some time to see what maps become popular and what maps drive people off the server. We will make those adjustments as they are needed. I think you will see quite the variety here with steelball and the 2 objective maps along with your standard DM.

Thanks to Grits and Gwar for the big help getting this off the ground today. The link for these maps are under the downloads section on the right side of the main page of the website.

Here is the current cycle as of Feb. 6th:
2 stock maps and 9 custom maps

If you have any suggestions for additions please say so. Maps however will not be added one at a time to save from bothering Grits all of the time adding one here and one there. Once we get another group together then I will send them off to her. Enjoy:thumb:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I dont know many maps but the objektiv map we played yesterday was quiet fun. maybe u could add more of these. I will watch out for more objectiv maps ^_^
and some more of the old maps would be cool. but only if they remakes are goog. the crossfire map on the server seems to be well done. I will watch out for remakes too^_^
I am having some difficulty getting the maps to work. I have 2 map folders in my hl2dm folder in steamapps. Currently I have dm_void.bsp in both of those folders. I join the server running dm_void and i got an error saying "couldnt CRC maps/map dm_void, disconnecting." I also tried it with dm_subsorage and got the same error.
just played the steelball map.sage 4 was there too (I was the guy called bluE-:)) it was fun.
I hope u keep this map in the mapcircle or maybe there are soem more maps like this oen u can add.
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Feb 8 2005, 12:38 AM] I am having some difficulty getting the maps to work. I have 2 map folders in my hl2dm folder in steamapps. Currently I have dm_void.bsp in both of those folders. I join the server running dm_void and i got an error saying "couldnt CRC maps/map dm_void, disconnecting." I also tried it with dm_subsorage and got the same error.
Got same problem with some other maps:(
I don't know why or how you have 2 map folders in your hl2mp folder. There should only be one with all of the maps in it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I uninstalled hl2dm, and the maps. It had one maps folder, I put the .bsp file in there and still got the same error. I deleted the file and downloaded it from the server. It put it excatly where the one I downloaded from the site was. The problem still occurs when I try and use the .bsp I downloaded from the main page.
Dunno what you two are doing but it worked for me.

I just tried dm_void, unzipped to desktop, right clicked the .bsp, cut, pasted into

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps"

Started hl2dm, created a server with that map and it worked. I did notice that hl2 made a cache file in soundcache and a .ain file in graphs.

Oh and about that map, don't jump into the beam... :thumb:

*Edit* Saw this on the maps download but forgot to mention it :P
"Here is current all the maps that you will find on our Counter Strike Source server "
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Miagi,Feb 8 2005, 06:14 PM Wrote:Oh and about that map, don't jump into the beam... :thumb:
I found that out the hard way myself. You can however suck out the orbs that shoot up in it and shoot them at people.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Gragoon,Feb 7 2005, 06:17 PM Wrote:just played the steelball map.sage 4 was there too (I was the guy called bluE-:)) it was fun.
I was complaining about that map, then i scored a goal:).
sage_4,Feb 9 2005, 04:51 AM Wrote:
Gragoon,Feb 7 2005, 06:17 PM Wrote:just played the steelball map.sage 4 was there too (I was the guy called bluE-:)) it was fun.
I was complaining about that map, then i scored a goal:).
Haha yeh you were, once I figured out how to run, it was better. I like all the maps:D
The maps are in the exact same spot as yours M, the only diffrence I can see is that my zip files are there as well. Its a long shot but I highly doubt thats the problem.
I would also try deleting the .ain file for the map in maps\graphs and also the .cache for the map in maps\soundcache.

Did you try to start the map by creating a server or joining another?

I haven't tried downloading any maps from the server, but you should think about setting up sv_downloadurl on the server for the maps if there's a lot of people downloading.

They would probably download much faster as I think the server caps the speed and the person downloading the map wouldn't take up a spot.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Or you could just d/l from server like me:D
Possible problem on Steelball that Grits informed me about was somebody blocking the goal by ducking in front of it and camping there. Since you don't have alot of control with the ball this makes it even more frustrating.

I will kick or ban if someone camps there. It's hard enough to score on that map without a goalie. If it becomes a big problem then we will just remove that map.

I do think Miagi's idea is good. We should set up a sv_downloadurl. Most HL2 maps are bigger than any DM map that the first HLDM had. We all know how long it takes a simple 700k map to d/l from the server. I can only imagine how long some of these HL2 maps take. We could use less strain on the server.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
with the sv_downloadurl does it actualyl take you to the page or is this the one that will just auto download from a website so you have to have everything set up like it looks in your half-life 2 folder?

Either way this is a good idea, I hate waiting 30 minutes for a download, then get into the game and 10 seconds later it switches to a new map lol faster download always good.:)
Its like hotlinking, the hl2 client acts like its own browser and gets the files for the map.

You create a folder for hl2 maps on the site, like "hl2dm" and in that you upload the folders from hl2dm that maps utilize, "models", "scripts"-possibly, "sound", "maps", "materials".

Then you set the sv_downloadurl to point to whatever you named the folder containing everything.

This is what I have for my rico server even though hl2dm has different folders.
sv_downloadurl ""
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

something we want to do?
well I found a driving map:Dwith buggy's hehehe it's called dm_buggy_kn it's really fun if u can find the map to get it I had to dl it off a server:)also dm_killbox is also pretty fun if u just want to run around and kill each other in an open space hehe.
Gwar it's the same as in UT. Ever notice how fast you can d/l a map you don't have? It's something UT has had for years, but HL just started using recently.

I will add those 2 maps to my "check out" list DL. I will check them out this weekend.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
cool ya this is something that I think we should have. I will have to get the stuff set up already though cause I don't know where thing would go in there.

So if someone zips it all up for me I can set it up on the web server and then we can put in the url for the sv_downloadurl.
Thank you PnG I hope u find it to be really fun as I did, hehe GB knows I love those driving maps would be nice for us to all play together again I really miss that.:)

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