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Petition for Valve
Ok guys, we've wanted rico fixed for a long now I'm gonna get some of my ideas down and I want you all to do the same. I will ask for any ideas and also your names to be placed down so that way we can send this to valve in hopes of getting an update of great quality. We need AS MANY signatures and ideas as possible, so get your friends on here and sign.

- Fix white disc bug
- Remove all capabilities of using the "+use" button
- Create more skins
- Allow for multiple teams and players in maps
- Allow code to create a "pairing system"
- Color code teams
- Redo tab menu to have kills, deaths, ping, name, queue, and points
- Make the game so that when you die you get shuffled into a queue...but if you win you do not leave the ring at any time. You ALWAYS stay in as long as you win. "King of the mountain" concept.
- Work with Pique so that 2 vs 2 maps, etc. can be created and actually work.
- Fix problem with spawning inside of people
- Create a 5 second or so lag in deathmatch so you cannot be killed when you first spawn.

* Blake Tull
-Fix the dead body bug on deathmatch maps (if someone is decapped, their body can still be hit, and it carries over until they respawn and they die immediately)
-When someone first joins an arena map, they should be put in spectator mode and not start a game until all games start again (this would fix the problem of reconnectors)
I would like to have a "spectator" mode so that admins can be available without having to be in a match. Some of them spend all their time in a match typing....... if you can believe that. :rolleyes:
Anyone get the bug where your stuck on the bottom floor of the arena happens to me quite frequiently it white disc is a major one and spec bug
i think they should make it to where no one named "fritoman" can be killed, (and no impersonators please),:huh:
You forgot the multi decap the only one who's done it so far tho so its not that big of a deal.
And that dead body carrying over into the next life isn't just deathmatch, if u get 1 powershot left... not gonna say :P
hmm anything else? nothign that i can think of other than they should include a team system like tfc or most mods..JUST NOT THE DEATHMATCH TEAM SYSTEM!!! i hate it D:

/edit just saw this while installing hammer on my new comp: Ricochet source is out with the latest version ofthe HL SDK. If anyone knows c++ i strongly urge you to check it out.
I am learning it...
I have nothing to add. I'm just signing it.
Quote:You forgot the multi decap the only one who's done it so far tho so its not that big of a deal.

I've done that a few times on deathmatch2

Also I've notice that when someone shoots a push disc at me and i send a decap my decap continues and kills them on arena:D not that Im complaing :Pbut i wouldnt want it to happen to me:(
I don't think that is a bug. The decap disc is a more powerful disc therefore it goes through their disc and continues on. It always goes through their push disc for me.
There is a very rare bug and I have no idea how to do it, but I killed someone in another arena (and have had it done to me). Some how my decap disc was left flying around in the arena while I was put into another arena. I could not file untill someone was killed in the other arena. :) (Then I made the comment, "I'm so good that I don't even have to be in the arena to kill someone") lol or something like that anyway. hehe

The problem of the ice decap disc not returning for sometimes upto 30 seconds after its been thrown. Its very annoying to have to just dodge for all that time and not even be able to attack.

I'd lke to be able to bring in new models not just new skins. There are lots of female players and it would be nice to not just fight against male models, but female models, demon models and stuff like that. At the very least allow people to use either a male or female model.

Allow the admins to "clean" the arenas of sprays. With a single command like admin_cleanspray or admin_wipesprays, to help keep lag down on servers.
Or at least have a limit on sprays... some people just don't think about the lag, and I'm surprised because it should affect them too (I'm looking at you, Sri Lanka and PG <_< )
Hey just signin..yall listed all probs that need to be fixed


Great idea cloud, I'd like to know if the people at Valve are even alive. :/

Conor McLaughlin
I'll have to agree with RWS on that statement. Valve has also been well known to not reply to emails or take forever to get a reply from them. I know they are busy people and don't have time to answer every email but it seems like they don't answer any emails at all. That is all from what I have heard from numerous admins over the past couple years. I hope for the best to see if they can offer us some light at the end of the tunnel.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
This is an idea I have had for a while. I wanted to get a good Ricochet site up and then contact Valve and tell them about it. I mean heck they must have liked Ricochet enough to put it in officially so maybe they might want to talk a little with us (at least in e-mail) about any problems or suggestions we have. After all we love the game so much that we stick with it even with all of its little problems. :D
RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS,Feb 19 2003, 02:19 AM Wrote:Great idea cloud, I'd like to know if the people at Valve are even alive. :/
Pfft after the Steam 2.0 Beta "release," I am also curious as to weather or not Valve is even alive still.
There is also the multi person bug in arena. Where when the map starts, (usually happens to the first person there) they end up being in every single arena. I've had this happen to me like twice. We could also use some more maps.
PuNkGirL,Feb 19 2003, 04:07 PM Wrote:There is also the multi person bug in arena. Where when the map starts, (usually happens to the first person there) they end up being in every single arena. I've had this happen to me like twice. We could also use some more maps.
But unlike most bugs... this bug is a blast.
I have a few ideas,

-fix it so the freeze disc returns after a certain amount of seconds, yall know how it feels to have to dodge for a whole match cuz of one badly thrown power freeze shot thats bouncin around under yer feet...
-also, for dm... power ups should NOT carry over to your next spawn...
ive been able to keep a power/triple/freeze/fast shot for like 20 minutes just by getting another powerup (doesnt matter which one) each time i thought i was runnin low.

thats all i got...:ph34r:
That also reminds me, the freeze disc should be adjusted so the homing feature works better... like a lot of times it doesn't go nearly the right direction... and on deathmatch it goes to someone far and below you... it should home in on the closest person.
I remembered a new one too... How bout the no crosshair glitch? You know where when you first arrive at a server and until you either die or go into queue, you don't have a crosshair. Of course its kind of funny beating ppl with no crosshairs, it kind of makes them feel small, but it's annoying none the less
no crosshair....well I've never even noticed we have I don't think it's that important...also the thing about powerups lasting in DM...why should you lose your powerups just cuz you get knocked off or fall? I think that is pointless....don't take that away...there is nothing wrong with keeping them for 20 minutes...I say kudos to you for not wasting them. I have also never had a freeze chase me...I dodge once and it's gone...there are only a maximum of 4 ricochets and after that it's gone. I have played since this first came out and that has NEVER been a problem. Now about the freezes not homing in right...well most of the time they do, but I have noticed in DM especially they go to the bottom and try to kill people down there. I agree it should be the ABSOLUTE closest person in which you are targeted at.
crosshair? Forgot about it...i have mine disabled cause it got in my way...and for the freeze thing going after people like crazy after a match is done ( like what gwar is talking about) ive seen that happen twice...laughed my ass off both times...ive tried many to re do the bug but failed. I believe it has something to do with haveing u fire your freezedisc, it goes down below, the person falls and the match ends ( you are the last people in game to finish ur match), matches restart, then the freeze disc that was shot below tries to find the owner of the disc and it gets realllllly fooked up.

/edit and for the freeze disc not returning to you for like 30 seconds because it goes below is because when i decompiled the rc_arena map i noticed that the disc return enitiy doesn't go all the way down. This is VERY easy to fix if u have the map source file but then youd have to redownload the map

/edit This is for PGs post below:
i call it the float bug...used to use itall the time as a RECTUM, it's basically exploiting the spectator feature
and once again THX to our handy, guru...
Ok what about the floating person glitch? Where (i really don't know how this happens) someone is flying around above the arena for the entire match or till he dies.
They need to fix it so that ANY new joiners to a server get put at the bottom of the queue.
It's so annoying to have to wait a long time while new joiners/rejoiners get to play immediately.
g-boy,Feb 17 2003, 09:48 AM Wrote:-Fix the dead body bug on deathmatch maps (if someone is decapped, their body can still be hit, and it carries over until they respawn and they die immediately)
-When someone first joins an arena map, they should be put in spectator mode and not start a game until all games start again (this would fix the problem of reconnectors)
Too late PIX...
I say we don't fix any bugs. There's too many.
i suggest an automatic ban for any1 who calls me a cheat just cuz my ping is 3x theirs and i still beat them. damn n00bs pee'ing me off "OMG U CANT SHOOT OVER THAT BARRIER!! U CHEAT" "WTF u lag like a little hoe, get out of here u cheat" etc etc etc

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