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Teenager's iPod goes boom

Quote:Don't put your iPod through the washing machine. And if for some reason you do, don't try to fix it with a screwdriver.

That's the advice of fire investigators probing a small explosion that burned a hole in the bed of a Melbourne teenager who tried to perform emergency surgery on his ailing mp3 player.

The boy was treated by paramedics at his Bayswater home for breathing difficulties after ingesting fumes emitted by the device as he pulled it apart in his suburban bedroom about 7.30pm on Wednesday.

Country Fire Authority spokesman Peter Philp said the leaky iPod had been taken away for testing by CFA investigators.

"His mother did the washing and the iPod was in the clothing so it went through the washing machine," Mr Philp said.

"It wasn't working, the young fella tried to undo it or fix it with a screwdriver and at that stage there was an explosion, or more of a pop.

"It was more smoke than fire but it did leave a burn mark on the cover."

Metropolitan Ambulance spokeswoman Lirije Memishi said it was unclear what the teenager had ingested.

"We treated him on the scene for minor breathing difficulties but he was fine and then we scooted out and helped save the rest of Melbourne," she said.
I smell a lawsuit.
I could understand it not working after going through the wash, but catching fire and blowing up, thats just a bad design somewhere.
ahahah. what a retard if it was broke he coulda gotten a new one. lol. with insurance. Im sure everyone who has an ipod including myself has insurance.
And what insurance would that be? Home insurance? (That would be about the only one that might covers) Its a 500 deductable. In other words you pay the first 500 bucks out of damages and they cover the rest and then your insurance goes up.

Last I heard most IPods aren't even close to 500 Canadian and the ones that are would only be a few bucks over that mark with taxes. So you would still end up paying 500 bucks and the insurance would only pay anything over that. And again what you pay for insurnace would go up cause when you make a claim your insurance always goes up.
I think you can buy special iPod insurance when buying your ipod or something...
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
yeah, and if you buy from places like bestbuy, you can get a warranty.
yea you get a warranty for another ipod if it brakes only gotta pay 20 dollars for the deductable.

all ipods should come with an insurance policy.

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