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I am starting a new thread for reporting problems on any of my servers. Please leave as much information as possible including date and time so I can follow up on it in the forums. It is helpful if you leave an XXX in the chat. If you want you can leave it in team doesnt show up on the screen but still comes up when I do a search so you can do it anonymously and not get hassled by the player you are reporting...
btw thanks to those of you that have left 'nice' little msgs on the XXX just to make me smile.
This one has binds to say "timeleft" and "nextmap" repeatedly so people would overflow and be disconnected form the server.

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This speaks for itself.

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[JihaD]ohnOs attacked VAD's this time roughly 4 times causing overflow crashes.

he said he could take the server down "for good" if he wanted to (which i doubt). i took that opportunity to mark the logs.

i'm not the type of person to tell on someone bypassing the chat filter or something like that...but this guy's gotta go...and now.
and some people don't like admin control, hmmmm.
He is gone thanks for your help Wha? and .asm
maybe your right jabba...

times like this i'm glad that evil, gwars, frito and everyone else is around...:thumb:
um problem isn't solved... he got in tonight and i captured his wonid: 162643

unfortuantly for us i think an admin had JUST logged off too....
JIHAD strikes again under the same WONID?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
[JIHAD]ON0S is probibly now band For crashing vads place. jihad Dillrod was saying over and over Nextmap/Timeleft overflowing us. Evil was there and i was glad. This is why iam saying grits we need some people who can just kick and not ban if evil was not there all night Jihad could have done this until and admin came on.
Here is the problem with that. Even if vote kicking was turned on more than likely a guy like JIHAD would just reconnect anyway. I found this out rather quickly when I first became admin and did not have banning ability. There were times when I would kick someone like 3 times and it became pointless so I would just let then be till I got ahold of GRITS. I don't know if there is a plugin or not that would enable people to have a vote kick and have the server do a temp ban for an hour or so if the vote passed. Something like that might work then. It would give enough time for someone to contact an admin to handle the situation at hand. Maybe evil would know if there is something like this.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
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I am not sure why the original ban I did to this guy did not work. My guess is that between the time I updated the banned.cfg file and then got to the server to restart the map he may have crashed the server again.

Whatever the reason he was able to come back...once I got back in and banned him from the console he was out and now and permanent.

I also retrieved his IP address and sent an email with some information from the server log and what he was doing to his ISP. It may take a few days but my guess is this person will be without RoadRunner soon.

Thanks to Wha?, Slasher-186, SoulEvan, pG and others who helped out.

Have a couple to report from last night:

1242176 (Jigg Piggy 309) - I should have taken screenshots, but he was afk for about an hour, at least. He was there for over 2 hours, afk for about 20 mins that I was there, and at the time had only a 13-30 score or something like that, which only takes about 1 hour for someone of his skill level. It's frustrating when players just leave the computer and stay afk. I believe this is the afk that I got my 104 pts in 15 mins from... see my other post.

2524272 (Silent Assassin) - both acid and I XXX'ed this guy for GRITS to read, but apparently he was being a problem before I came in, acid had already muted him, then he became really annoying. At first, I just thought whatever, then he decided to continually change his name to "ACID IS A F****T" and cause the server to change his name to Malcontent. He didn't bypass it because he changed his name over and over, spammed it at one point, simply so acid could see it. He was also typing in all caps, just acting weird... so he was drunk or high or something. Complete and utter moron, probably deserves a little hall of shame action.
Well the bottom line is that there are gonna be morons out there that piss us all off, spawn kill, double kill, noob collide, powerup ###### and amount other things camp. Its well a piss off and 99% of the time there is nothing you can do about it. Well except own the prick until he is so ashamed that the little bugger leaves and doesent come back... personally I think we need an mIRC channel that is dedicated to calling other rico players in you know like "the bat signal" only for rico. heh if ne one has a copy and could make a channel that would be so sweet. We could all idle in there and then once we get one of these little puke CSers in there we just send out a signal and then everyone shows up and doesent let him/her move cause we kill em so good. Well thats my rant.

OH and thanks Grits most of my friends at school forgot to say Happy Birthday to me :S oh well

c ya around guys
I want 4056 banned from all the holdouts servers for a while and perm from uT. hes a troublemaker and a dickless worthless piece of shit. nuff said. Thanks for your time.
Nope not "nuff said" who is 4056 that his name or wonid?
give me some details...time? what server? wonid? infraction?
I know you know what determines temp vs permanent banning as opposed to kicking...
Limit can you be any more vague? You want someone to be banned for a "while" on Holdout's but permabanned on the uT server? We need details man.

BTW This post should go on the problem players post not in the ban section.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I say we just ban this guy...after all Limitless gave us more than enough information. This guy must be scum.

Anyone else has a player they want banned? Maybe we could contact Valve with a list of wonID's that we collect here and have all these people perma-banned. I'm sure the community would appreciate our effort.

[sarcasm mode off]

gotta love that evil_admin....ROFL!:rolleyes:
I had some jackass come in server yesterday round 5:30pm who was using my name. He was (1)PIX and wouldnt remove it.
I did the XXX at the time. Can you please kick his/her ass for me?:P
I Llama him yesterday, Pix. he use my name - (1)barnabe -and take yours after, so i llama him. His wonid 2704293. Some time after i unllama him ,his name was imnotlama when i leave.

problem: He is crashing the servers. Everytime he comes, i get a overflow message.
time: From around 11:30 to now 12:30 central time.
Server: Both Vad's and Grits24/7

note: He seems to follow this guy reaper around, and Scrye saw it to. (Did not get a chance to do a XXX marker)next time i see him i will.
I will take care of it now thanks a bunch blazed

other wonid is 230392

IP is
Damn, i don't know what he did but he is back!!!!! almost less than 2 min, he came back and crashed the server again.
I cought that fools wonid again: dasda/230392
keep em coming I will keep banning them
Allright i know a guy that pissed me off a while ago and seams to be an ass. His name is "You suck at the internet", never caught his wonid. He came in one day while we were talking about the old days of ricochet. Started bashing knightmare, who was there, sinbon, etc. Said i sucked cus i didnt hit frito or osmething, ended up getting kicked by cecil. Guy was an ass, ive only seen him a few times, but hes an ass. Hes not crashing servers or anything, just an ass to put in bluntly.
this is the place to voice your opinion about are not the only one who has problems with him Tripp, if he doesnt straighten up he doesnt need to be playing with us.

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