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Dating / Pick ups
I thought this might be an interesting topic as a lot of people are into this sort of thing.

Now I thought I'd say that theres a several general rules I use when approaching a girl.

1. The 3s rule. At a party? Walk into the room, see a girl, you walk up to her in 3 seconds or so. Why? Well the point is so you can get talking to her before that feeling of how she might reject you interferes. Just don't hesitate and then go to the girl, if the girl sees you hesitate she might think you're a wuss and we don't want that.

2. Girls seem to quite responsive to these things: Confidence, humor, well dressed / Groomed, a nice smile and the ability to make an emotional connection.

3. Be the alpha male. Chances are when you go somewhere and there is a beautiful girl you won't be the only one trying to get her attention, so put yourself above the rest of them who will no doubt be blabbering out dated pick up lines and asking if she wants a drink or to go have fun with them. This is where you set yourself apart from the rest. I've found the best approach is to have a cocky-funny mix attitude with a dash of indifference to her beauty.

4. Body language: Figure it out, and figure it out quick. What a girl is thinking / feeling when shes moving around or looking certain ways will determine if you get her number or just make a fool of yourself.

Well I thought these were things that all you guys out there might find useful when dealing with the opposite gender. I won't say they guarantee anything, just something good to use in your repertoire. Depending on interest I might get a bit more specific on what I've found that works and share stories

Girls feel free to share yours too, but I think we all know how hard it is for a cute girl to successfully approach a guy :P
lol did you copy this shit from HITCH the movie. with WIll Smith?


lol I totally agree with acid
I will add one small thing that seemed to always work for me, if you are sitting acrossed a room from a girl you are interested in, make eye contact with her and "with a smile on your face" mouth the word "hi" to her, most times they will smile and you can move in closer for more conversation.
fritoman,Jun 17 2005, 06:39 AM Wrote:I will add one small thing that seemed to always work for me, if you are sitting acrossed a room from a girl you are interested in, make eye contact with her and "with a smile on your face" mouth the word "hi" to her, most times they will smile and you can move in closer for more conversation.
what I usually do is offer chicken to the lady and she would be happy and I will be happy and than we talk. for rule number 1.
_Acid_Head_,Jun 17 2005, 07:39 AM Wrote:RULE ONE


Guys can't help this, the suggestion should really say

Don't let it show that you are a Horny Idiot :P
:thumb:Hey now! Not all of us are like that missy!

Be yourself... that's all there is to it... if you fake it'll catch up to you eventually... some women like dorks... some like geeks... some like ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***s... some like pervs... you'll get lucky some day!
No I didn't copy this from Hitch, I've yet to see it actually. These little things aren't really about being someone else to make it work, more adding to your character because being yourself doesn't work for the nice guys very often, or the "hey baby you wanna have some chicken? B)" usually gets a weird look followed up by an awkward conversation:P
16-tha-pimpteen,Jun 17 2005, 09:13 AM Wrote:No I didn't copy this from Hitch, I've yet to see it actually. These little things aren't really about being someone else to make it work, more adding to your character because being yourself doesn't work for the nice guys very often, or the "hey baby you wanna have some chicken? B)" usually gets a weird look followed up by an awkward conversation:P
Umm, I have no advice because I am a horny idiot.
But that seems to work for me. :P
Ive never had a girlfriend i dont date and im ganna let that drop there.
I have this theory that women can sense desperation. My second theory to that is they dont like it. My loop hole to this is try to make a friend, but dont be afraid to add a signal here and there.
So vash... is that chicken in your lap, or are you just.... really odly shaped?
Relinquish,Jun 19 2005, 01:59 AM Wrote:So vash... is that chicken in your lap, or are you just.... really odly shaped?
It's a python
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Jun 18 2005, 07:19 PM] I have this theory that women can sense desperation. My second theory to that is they dont like it. My loop hole to this is try to make a friend, but dont be afraid to add a signal here and there.
Become a friend..then become more.
You have to do the become more quickly. Or else the frendship will be too important and they wont want to jerpodize it.
Don't even become a friend in the first place become "that guy". Avoid friend phase all together if you can because it's really just a pain in the ass to get out of once you've been there for a bit. How do you avoid being just a friend? It's simple really, do stuff that normal friends wouldn't do and would have her questioning your motives (in a good way), be touchy feely with a girl..., just don't go over board and groap her rack or something, just something on the arm, back, shoulders. Go for neutral areas and don't be too shy about it, the more awkward you feel and act, the more she will.

If you play it right things should escalate in no time, just make sure you know where the line is because you don't want to cross it and go into uncomfortable zone.
So wait... I shouldn't go straight for the quick grab of the ass?

That is the truth right there
You Youngin's....stay out...may be unsuitable for ya.
Pique,Jun 20 2005, 06:51 PM Wrote:

That is the truth right there
You Youngin's....stay out...may be unsuitable for ya.
don't you think the sites name would kinda say it's not really a kiddie site :P
Help there's a melon in my gravity gun!


Oops gets them every time (snicker)

[Image: thebee52.png]
IW has a few valid points, but there are things that are just wrong on there. Treating people accordingly is a baaad idea.

@Relinquish: Second date.
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Jun 20 2005, 11:30 AM] You have to do the become more quickly. Or else the frendship will be too important and they wont want to jerpodize it.
What are you trying to say! :P
Its just my experiances, I have stayed in the friend zone too long.
I think what annon is try'n to say is... "Get it while it's hot!!"
SNOWDAWG,Jun 21 2005, 08:55 PM Wrote:I think what annon is try'n to say is... "Get it while it's hot!!"
If you want to get metaphorical about it, sure:P
Lol... you kids crack me up... it's REALLY not all that hard. Have confidence and you'll do just fine... also don't be an ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** or WEIRD pervert... and you're good.:)
So.... getting really close, talking in a demented tone, and drulingon them isn't an option you say?
lol funny thread guys :lol:

you can try to win them over with your charm and wit, but if you're in a hurry... be polite, smile, introduce yourself, then whisper in her ear that you're hung like a horse. Works like a charm ^_^

If they don't respond properly, offer to prove it...if that doesn't work, use force! :angry:
You can only be happy if you are with a girl who accepts you for what you are, with your qualities and your defaults. If you don't act yourself, you may have the feeling she likes the other you.. she could cheat on you with yourself!!:huh::wacko:
So, I agree with Cloud:P

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