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What's your story?
I was talking to PnG and it dawned to me that I don't know where a lot of people came from or how they became part of this community.

So the question, how did you find this place, meet grits, become an admin(if one)?
I'd like everyone to participate if possible, I like hearing stories.

Guess I'll start though I'm not good with time.

I started off playing cs in my 10th grade c++ course. When finished with projects or had free time, we would play either CS or HL. It was about a 6 person lan. Anyway I fell in love with half-life dm so I bought the collectors pack that came with hl expansions, cs, tfc, etc. So I was playing cs and hl for awhile. I discovered playing those games on 56k kinda sucked so I looked through the mods list of hl and saw ricochet. Installed it and joined I believe an arena server first. Got bored and joined another. A few servers/days later I joined XvSeveredvX's server. DM:D. Where I met Dragonlady, yoshi, troublgrl, Thrice, el Kabong, beebz, and of course who can forget the [CAKE]'s.

Played there for awhile and even got admin there. Towards the end of Severed's server me and yoshi started a clan [PIMP](Don't ask) but it was aimed to be a joke. Then DL and myself started a clan [DTC].

After Dragonlady crashed Severed's server a few times:D. I joined GRITS' multimap rico server. Then Severed got xbox and shut his server down perm. I got DSL somwhere after sevs server went down. So I kept playing on grits' server. I saw an address on the server and went to the website. I was clicking some links and must have clicked an IRC link because I joined vads channel so I idled there for a bit. After awhile GRITS asked me if I would like admin since I was helping to keep the server clean by reporting players.

I helped whenever I could with the servers by modifying plugins/reffing for DM tourney and such and after awhile I was 'promoted' to Senior Admin when grits started captains. Which brings us to today.

I met snowdawg in Evil_admins server and I just couldn't get rid of him, he would follow me around :P. Everyone else in DTC besides DL, I met through GRITS.

There you have it.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Well when I first got my computer like lets see I was in 9th grade or 8th grade during summer school. I had HP pavillion pc. Which was soo shity my video card was 16MEG I didnt know shit about computers really. I just used it for kazaa to watch anime and music. When kazaa was popular. I had cs installed but never could play it. Not even in software mode. So I tried everygame I could play and when I first started out only ricochet in software mode was the only way for me to play. SOooo I played ricochet on deathmatch and I wanted to play on arena well hardly anyone played. When I first started out I was laughing so hard about falling and stuff it was funny how people would slip and stuff. My first ingame player was oneeardesimmeiser however you spell his name lol. We use to have fun and play. Than I tried arena saw some awesome players badass man crazy. I thought they weere like cal-I. The only reason I came on the forums because I was banned. But I didnt know how to make an account cuz I really didnt know how to use a computer and stuff. So I never got unbanned. I got banned for spawn killing in deathmatch oneear taught me. soo I quit for a long period of time didnt feel like unbannin myself without permission and I just went to LAN centers everyday in that summer and played CS/WARCRAFT3. than when I got a new computer and I could handle cs on my geforce 4 mx 440 haha I came back to ricochet with a new ID and everything. And no noe knew. I never went on the forums though I gave up on it and I got educated more in computers and junk during summer.
Alot of people knew me in game from playing as Trigun=Vash=Deagle/Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot. lol to be honest if you guys wanna look in the ban section for a moment and look at Raider312/Knives that is my brother lol. We always played the same games and stuff. I played ricochet before my bro though. lol. And than I got banned on evil admins server hte next day. I really really really hated evil admin with a passion. He would slap people off to win. I wander if they guy is still here lol. So yea when I came back with my new computer I met this razor guy I never knew he was THE END until he changed his name. for a bit. My brother unbanned himself with another steam id on grits server and his name was slicer. But than he quit the next day and moved on with his life. He is older than me so its all good. So from won til steam ricochet I played arena all the time and tried to copy razors moves like forever. He showed me Cake walk, deathmatch jump from top to bottom, He use to practice with me lol. And I never yet came on the forums at all not even once. Cuz I never bothered too and never though theyre wasnt any special people there. I didnt like gwarsbane for a long time cuz he banned me before. And I hated a few other people but I think they were germans lol. They had like 200 pingish and stuff. So yea... this is where I play acid when I finally came on the forums like march 04 or something like that. And him and razor recruited me for RiP cuz I was dedicated to the best and wanted to own razor so bad lol. So I use to play with jooza alot too on steam ricochet he moved alot and stuff and nvr really got to play with him straight. I played with 16 and always talked shit to him lol.It was fun but the player I always talked shit too was lil face/acid lol sof unny. man. me and knightmare cracked black jokes all the time it was funny too. man I miss those days lol. this is my story!!! I have nothing against those people I hate I dont want to ruin the thread. but yea thats my story. Oh come to think about it JABBA introduced me to the forums when he saw me playon steam ricochet. I played won too off and on.
I miss thrice though that ma arena partner lol man where did he go? Apex too.
I started playin rc like 3 or 4 years ago and thought it was a fun game i used to play ts was searching the internet and found a game called ricochet and thought i should try the game well i did and ever since that i cant stop playin it because its fun and addictive. It is fun.
"I didn't do it"

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I guess... as soon as it came out I was trying it. Played on aqua something NY server... the only one with decent ping... DL will vouch for that. Then I left RC for a while after getting Recip into it. And then I came back and to this community a year or so ago... :/
I dont remember :P
at my 14th birthday I got my first computer and at the same day 2 friends came for celebration. one of them was olbest :lol: . the other guy gave me a cracked version of hl and cs. we played cs and some other crappy games all night. some weeks later I bought a computer magazine which had a cd in it. on this cd there were some patches and custom maps for hl and cs. I installed all the patches and mods and maps. again some weeks later we had a 3 or 4 person lan and we tested a lot hl mods there. cs, tfc, dod and rico. we played deathmatch a lot. then some months later oblest got internet and started playing cs I think. somehow he started playing rico..I guess he sucked at cs :P
another half year later I got internet and a hl key from a friend who didnt have internet. I started playing arena at the #RicochetMasters server. olbest was admin there so he told me to play there. it was arena only so I played only arena and thats what I still do. I strated playing rico may 2004 and joined the forums august 2004 sicne olbest always told me of some amreican rico freaks who own his ass. and of a woman (GRITS) paying for servers. and this guy (Miagi) who sent him his hl so he could play won.
someday I joined the channel and well..since that day Ive been here
I'm not much into the community fully, but I'll explain. It was quite intersting, well it wasn't ;)

Back around two years ago I had played The Specialists Mod possibly 1.5 or 2.0 not sure, and thought it was too much for me at the time, since I was the huggest CS-addict. Well fast foward it to roughly last summer, I wanted to get back into TS, because well CS wasn't cutting it anymore. I wanted to settle in by finding a few selected servers and just playing on them and getting to know regulars. I had one or two others, but I ran into VadaVaka's Specialists Holdouts and decided to play in there for a bit. Well a few |[FnS]| folk ran me and everyone into the ground and I went whoa, I got to see how I can join up with these guys, since the other servers I had been in, the clans sucked -.- Well the regulars that went to Vada's and Quickening himself, made me think well this is now my favorite TS server =P

How I ran into Vada wasn't the normal OMG HI, ha, the complete opposite. Well someone I forget who was seriously busting *excuse myself* Quickening's balls, and since I've been around for a month or so, I wanted to stick up for Q. Well Vada has came in ( wish she would still play with us! ) and seen it all, and nearly left because of the bickering between this guy and myself and Q trying to handle it. So the guy and myself were both gag'd and it worked itself out, the guy left and I stayed.

Next day I apoligized to Vada stating my story and how I meant no wrong doing, just sticking up for someone, and I was told if it happens again tell the admins at #vadavaka so I decided to idle both #fns and #vadavaka to show my support.

After playing for whew a really long time with everyone in the server, I was finally considered a regular =P I knew gwarsbane, vada and a few others including other regulars so it was fun coming. Well around a couple months back I took a break from TS, and so did pretty much all of FnS, after I came back, somehow in a way some of the FnS came back, and roughly a week in Quickening asked if I was going to continue playing TS and this wasn't just a spur of the moment type of playing, I said yea I'm here to stay. Next day I was asked to join FnS and I was like sweet! So I joined =)

After playing a lot more, hell, even more the Quickening, Vada had asked me if I wanted to become a junior admin of the server, I agreed, saying I knew the cmds and would support the server as does the other admins. I was given the rules on what Vada expected and bam here I am =P Sorry I don't run into most of you folks, I only play TS for the time being =\
Completely don't remember when I started playing... I believe it was three summers ago... basically the summer after the game started. I think it was august, and I pretty much sucked, didn't do well. Played on whatever servers there were (KAH was a big one I recall) and I remember encountering people that would be big names in this community (i.e. rulepool, beastie). I stopped playing... wasn't doing well. Came back to play more in the fall/winter following that summer, and all of the sudden I started figuring out the jumps and midair shots, and I blossomed as a player. I think it was a few months after that (february 2003 I notice from my membership thing) that grits and her server got big. I immediately joined up at the forums, and was a presence that entire time. I would say I really got into the community from just talking to the regs, most of them now admins or were at some point. Of course I graduated later that year, stayed active in the summer of 2003, then started playing minimally once I was in college in fall. Stopped playing entirely later in 2004, pretty much because of lack of desire and a messy computer. Then a few weeks ago, I decided to get back into it... and there ya go. Feverishly active for about 9 months, a few of them I was, in my opinion, one of the best players.
KAH server went down.
_Acid_Head_,Jun 19 2005, 07:27 PM Wrote:KAH server went down.
Yeah let me find those logs so I can quote you acurately.....

'oh so this is the big server everyone is talking about, what's the big deal?"
Wow..where to begin. Seems like ages ago I played a stategy game Total Annihilation, joined a huge clan that dominated the scence and it was great. Finally TA started to decline and the main people and I bought up half life and played cs. I think it was around cs 1.4. whenever the patch with rc came out..I decided to check it out and was instantly hooked. So simple but so much fun. Went through some clans and ton of online games if anyone remembers. When I met GRITS, I had finally settled on Quickening and was playing with Hylander..GRITS kept talking about how in the show Hylander there was something called a Quickening. And I had no clue what she was talking about haha. Anyways, I think I kinda stopped playing RC for a while..but one day I think frito told me about the forums and all this stuff and haven't left since.
I started playing with about 8 years. First I played some DOS-Games (I still play one;)), then we got a new PC and I played Quake II. From that time on I somehow don't really remember what I did but then I got DSL and started playing other games. The first game I really played the whole time (I always played at least 20 different games per day^_^) was Counter-Strike. I saw Ricochet on the list of games and tried it. Though I didn't completely understand the game it was kinda funny. I just played it one time per month but I got better than the others and learned my first jumps. One time while playing Gragoon watched me playing and he invited me to a JW-tryout. I got in JW and Gragoon invited me to the Vadavaka-IRC-Channel... and so on...:P

That's my story...


THE END:baaa:
I remember wha getting cs retail, cuz the downloaded one wouldnt work. Which came with rico. He showed it to me and we both thought it was cool cuz it was so orginal. I started playing it when i got my own computer and the next thing i know im with you guys.
I started out buying CS retail because Josh and I went to a gaming center here in town and we thought it was awesome, when I got online with CS it was way to hard for me to play,"I would spawn and die and then wait, then spawn and die again" <-really pissed me off so I stopped playing that and went on to HLDM and loved it, then an update came out with a patch for rico and as soon as it was done DLing I started playing, met up with a couple of guys named reanimation <-Quickening, and Hylander, and they took a little time out to try and teach me how to do curve jumps, I became addicted and played on most every server there was, I then met a lady by the name GRITS and we talked alot and play a ton together, one day she asked me, "if I get a server would you play on it?" because we were having a tuff time finding a server that didnt have AFKs or asshats on them, and I said sure, as soon as she started up the server she made me an admin, so it was me, des and GRITS as admins and everything was going great so she decided to get another server for the overflow, also at that time I had mentioned to her that I played HLDM and so she made me an admin on her HL server as well, along with broken and sage and we had a blast there, as things got going she decided to add a CS server because I started getting back in to it, (thank you GRITS:P) and we had a blast on it, about that time everyone started getting into TS and GRITS was nice enough to get a TS server for everyone to play on, man isnt GRITS great? then along came NS, I never really got into that game so I cant speak for that server. When source came out she was nice enough to convert the CS server over to CS S, man she is a great lady, (always looking out for us and trying to keep us entertained).
if I think of anything else I will add it, so much has gone on over the years that I tend to forget ^_^
I dont even know where to begin....Lets just say im starting with HL since ive been playing video games my whole life (from atari, to sega, to dr.halo and commander keen, to secret agent sam, to hundreds of other stupid games, to who knows what else.) *cracks knuckles* ok...

7th grade- I first saw HL (TFC actaully) being played by my friend, so after i got my new comp(8th grade) i borrowed his HL and got started up TFC with 56k. Played HL single player (with cheats on of course) and i was always looking for cool little tricks you could do in tfc. Like the living dead trick, or the sentry gun in the resupply area, then switch teams, or just anything that was how you weren't supposed to play the game. Eventually that led into mapping. i tried to make my first map in tfc. How horrible that was, i had no clue what i was doing. Then i switched over to CS, with the 6.0 patch i believe. Played it a lot, eventually got a hacker pack which included all the known hacks to date (spike models, lambert, etc, etc.) And when 6.5 came out that fixed all of it. I tried messin with it a little bit, eventually i just gave up since i didn't know too much about HL at the time and how things work. I could edit model skins and such but nothing to grave (actaully those spike models taught me probably all i know about models.) Eventually i found a new hack which was a map-hack. LOVED IT. you could load your own custom maps client side and play on servers. So i could have missing walls and see through them and you would just see a wall. Thing is though, the hacker wasn't a very good mapper. But he told people how to hack maps, i did that and figured out how to decompile maps and i made my own hacked maps. that got me even more into mapping. I was always looking for different mods. By now ive played every single single-player mod there is to date that i know of (and i mean every single one, even the crappy 3 map ones.)

Eventually they patched that hack and i went looking for another mod or something. Found FLF (Frontline Force) and got addicted to that. Joined a clan for it (9th grade) and with that clan i went from FLF to Firearms, to sven coop, to who knows wtf else...d2, RTCW Tons of games with that clan. HCC Hardcore Cessation. Played that for a while, back and forth from tfc, cs , to flf. I dont really remember too much of the order, since i was really all over the place.. Ive never played 1 game straight for over a week. I made a map for FLF called flf_hell...and if you cant tell it was based in hell. Eventually i found ricochet after it was released with the CS patch. Ironically i had seen it before and said, no i dont want to play another mod, that just looks dumb. Then i read the review of it on planet halflife and decided to try it. The Duelling feel of arena got me instantly hooked. I hated the deathmatch, thought it was boring after 5 minutes.

And thus, being the ass that i am, saw how easy it was to exploit this small game. I joined a clan called [RECTUM] and we were just that...asses. We exploited the floater bug constantly, i had an alias that would pause/unpause the game for 3 minutes straight, and i couldn't stop it without exiting. And when people said we just sucked at the game i would own them and they would just shutup or leave. Eventaully i got over my little power trip and stopped doing that. We were testing out maps (not sure who "we" is) and eventually it changed to crossfire. It crashed as soon as the disc tried to return since there was no sprite precached. I remember my old map hacking days and decided to turn it into a ricochet map. Eventually i join the pr0. wait...2A. was before that but i remember 2A while editing crossfire. 2A. fell apart before it got off the ground and i joined pr0 after the constant bickering of newbie. Not sure too much of afterthat. Eventually i made crossfire_r and stalkyard...or rather edited them. made 2v2 eventually after finding that rc_teamdeathmatch 4v4 map that lagged so horribly.

Um....oh yea...back when i started playing i remember playing games of PIG to learn the fancy jumps. Thats how i learned mine. I still consider myself the best back then even against highlander or gemakk or jariel. We just couldn't get a server that was good pings for use both. But hell, i consider myself the best now and i get owned constantly by vash and acid and other people. It was all in the jumping decaps...when no one knew those yet it was pretty easy to win.

I eventually made those practice maps for arena and i think deathmatch, maybe wha? made that one for dm. Um i was sick and tired of not being able to make a decent arena map so i put together rc_aimless in less that 10 minutes...which shows its quality. Um....not sure what else i can put here...i know im forgetting something about my RC days. Oh yea...the chick picture, RiP clan, and something else to i cant put my tongue on.

Blah so basically ive been playing HL since i was in 8th grade (i just got back from what would have been my freshman year at college.) so from 13-18...5 years and what do i have to show for it? Well i can edit almost every damn thing possible there is to edit in HL, i know almost every command and what it does in HL, i can do almost anything i want with HL, and what has that done for me? Nothing but waste 5 years of my life...yay.
you guys expect us to read all that? :lol:
I started after the last won patch came out. Before that I used to play TFC and HL1DM.

Seen Rico and thought "ok this will be cool a Tron like game I can really get into and play others with".

So I started playing. Every server I went on at the time was rude and crude. Just swearing all over the place. I put up with it cause well there was no place else to play. I found most of the clan members stuck up at the time. They would not explain anything to you, they would not help in anyway. There were a few good ones, but very few.

Then oneday I stumbled onto GRITS' server. She had rules that she enforced, I really liked those rules and the fact that she enforced them so I decided to try to play on only her servers.

I guess after that she seen that she could not get rid of me so she asked me to be an admin, well that and I played at a time of day that there was no other admins on. I made the website and put up the forums for her. And we have been good friends since and I'm pretty sure we'll be friends for a long time to come. :thumb:
the first server i ever joined was Vad's Place, just a couple years ago. Played for a while, then i messed my right hand up and was put in a cast for a few months, so i didn't play a lot. during that time, Vad (lol) gave Sage_4 admin powers, and he showed me how to play by killing me over and over again in DM. was the most fun i ever had on a computer. eventually, i could frag like the rest of the groupies there.

by the way, what happened to most of them? Kobra was one of the best people i ever met online, since he was fair, honest, and never too good. He was usually around, but then he fell off the face of the earth. Sage moved away and disappeared (i regret losing contact with him), my computer can't run HL2 at all, and people like Frito, G-Bane, and even Vad moved on to Rico.

I STILL think that dm was better.

good times, good times....
Vad's HL update

I still keep in touch with most of the 'over thirty' guys that loved the Barnies so well , KingLeo is a daddy two times over since those days and doing well in buisness, deathbybrew is still single and has a great buisness up north, neither of them play online these days, it was taking up too much personal time, RaiderAl (now known as fulcrum) still plays and you can find him usually on "Campers Welcome" (go figure:)) Kobra was by far one of the most giving and friendly players I ever met online, he moved on when he fell in love, removed his game and we corresponded for a while, then yeah, disappeared.:(Once in a while I run into some of the not so 'regular' players on HL2DM, maybe I should fire up the AOL Vad messenger and see who says hi.
I will keep you up to date brokend
btw you did well with the brokend arm
yeah, brew was the anti-barney, he was always a gman.

and dude, why isn't RaiderAl poking around the forums??
Well i came to this community really through Frito. I started playing and would show up regularly and Frito said "Check out this site." so thats how i came around.

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