Poll: DM Tourney
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Cancel the Tournament and reschedule for later
1 11.11%
Put all the names back in the hat and see if other match ups could work out comparable times
1 11.11%
Select players in the same time zone and match them up if they don't live in the same house
3 33.33%
Call for another sign-up to include only people that have time for the tournament
2 22.22%
Refs set up times and get the first 4 people that show up to play against each other
1 11.11%
Refs set up times and then get people to sign up for those play times
1 11.11%
Total 9 vote(s) 100%
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DM Tourney
I know we got this to work before, I think with more players even, so I really don't understand the lagging.
It is 30 minutes for the first round; don't plan your whole day or evening around the match, just 30 minutes

Let me know what you guys think.

a little incentive...first place will probably be ram specific for your computer
I vote for new sign-up because apparently noone has time to play and going to vacation or something. I have time all day but we couldn't set up our match because noone responded fast enough or was doing something else on the day I suggested.:angry:
I voted cancel and reschedule later, maybe next year.

Maybe next summer people who are actually 'interested' in playing in the tourney will sign-up.

It's totally ridiculous, it doesn't take that long to post your schedule, figure out a playing time, and actually showing up...

I swear I don't even know why some people even signed up for this. I was just thinking of dropping out and ignoring the tourney because of the lack of interest. Why should I care if nobody else does?

A redraw of players won't work since we would still end up with slackers. School will be starting soon for some so in the end the tourney will still drag on.

Setting up times will only cause forefits and it'll be basicly a "I won because I showed up".

Same time zone.. A few are in the same time zone already and still have conflicts. Also, it wouldn't exactly be random and players will still have to mix with other time zones as they still move on.

My strongest point here is that school is going to start soon.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

I voted sign people up in same time zones that way first round can get done and so on and so fourth.
I'm for time zone specific, but if someone's not responding, it doesn't help anyone
I wasnt really "into" it at first cus ...well....I suck but then I showed up for the match and was doing pretty good at practice, so now I am buming, come on people lets get this party started :P
re-schedule for later? it's summer, what better time?!

i say you guys just make a channel in irc and if 4 people are available at that moment, PLAY. no reason in this tournament to set up groups, just get 4 people together and have a match.
The rules are too lax in my opinion, if everyone agree's to a time and someone doesn't show, they forfeit the match. That is how it SHOULD go. Look at many other tournament rules for like any game you can think of, no-shows are a forfeit.

With strict rules, people aren't as likely to blow them off. Plus, you give them too much time to plan, maybe you should shorten the time we have to play a match, it SHOULD not take 2+ weeks. Designate a time the server is open for matches and people will be more likely to make the time needed if they're serious about playing in the tournament.

Also, agreed with time zone groupings, it's pretty frustrating when someone suggests a time thats at very irregular hours.
We could also just post our available times and have the ref for our match pick a time. If someone dosent show then they are out.
Hey! Hey! I've got it! We could all post our hours of availability and then see where we have a free spot together!!!

Oh wait.. that's what I've done for the past two weeks!

Seriously guys.. it's really not THAT hard. There are only a few days during the week that I cannot do it... and I have an INSANELY hectic schedule... so I'm sure if you wanted to.. you could find a way.

Figure it out. :thumb:
CloudFuel,Aug 4 2005, 08:28 AM Wrote:Hey! Hey! I've got it! We could all post our hours of availability and then see where we have a free spot together!!!

Oh wait.. that's what I've done for the past two weeks!

Seriously guys.. it's really not THAT hard. There are only a few days during the week that I cannot do it... and I have an INSANELY hectic schedule... so I'm sure if you wanted to.. you could find a way.

Figure it out. :thumb:
Problem with that is some people have conflicting schedules. When one person is free the other is not so we'll just end up with the same dragging on.

If it's not that hard then why are you just posting your schedule and not suggesting any days? It's not that hard when everyone cooperates and participates.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

I suggested some days but the only days left Recip is out.. that's really bad. If you have to work often then don't sign up. Timezones weren't really the problem because I got time all day.
_Acid_Head_,Aug 3 2005, 07:34 PM Wrote:re-schedule for later? it's summer, what better time?!

i say you guys just make a channel in irc and if 4 people are available at that moment, PLAY. no reason in this tournament to set up groups, just get 4 people together and have a match.
I like this idea... completely randomizes the process... i think its a really good idea

And CF you posted your schedule, but the only day all 3 of the rest of us could do it you never could... so if its not hard to find time for it, why didn't you? Did you not want to find a way?
This tourney will work out, just be glad im not in it, it would be a scheduling nightmare. Shift work + on call = bad combo, but it could be worse, I could be working security at pearson internation airport, within the past couple of days.

I say give it some more time before we try any of these suggestions.
Wait.. so you're telling me that you all couldn't find one single day in the week to it.... but the one day you could I couldn't? That's bullshit.

Do not bring this shit on me.. I gave you my schedule.. I am not your mother.. your keeper.. or anything of the sort.. you figure out when you can do it and I'll be there. Simple as that. I am not spending my entire time and thought on this tournament to help you kids figure out when and where to do this.

My suggestion was that we ALL post our schedules and a ref determine a time between us... I mean the overall idea of this tourney is already pretty unstructured, because there's no way to guarantee we all have the same times off.. and as opposed to the arena tourney where we just need 2 corrolating time periods.. we now need 4 with the dm tourney.

I am not going to sit here and offer up ideas for all of you to figure out.. nor will I wait until you come up with a day to join in. I will continually post my schedule as I get it.. I'm sorry but I do have important priorities.. and if I am not AT home it IS impossible to play. I cannot help if you don't understand that.. and I'm happy for you if you have the ability to sit around all day and play this game.. I do not. The days I have available, I list.. if you can't make it during any of the times I have available then there is something wrong.. because there are atleast 40 hours a week that I have open...

Figure it out... please.
I love that attitude.

Having others do all the work. "you do it" "you figure it out".

So it's OK if you're busy, but nobody else can be...

Quote:Do not bring this shit on me.. I gave you my schedule.. I am not your mother.. your keeper.. or anything of the sort.. you figure out when you can do it and I'll be there.

Nobody is your slave.

Quote:I mean the overall idea of this tourney is already pretty unstructured, because there's no way to guarantee we all have the same times off.. and as opposed to the arena tourney where we just need 2 corrolating time periods.. we now need 4 with the dm tourney.

Funny, last years DM tourney was fine, sure it lagged a bit but we had the same rules.

I'm sorry , we shouldn't go pointing fingers and continue to argue since that will just waste time. That's in the past now.

I was probably the most excited for having a DM tourney, but now I don't even care. It's not fun now.

Quote:The rules are too lax in my opinion, if everyone agree's to a time and someone doesn't show, they forfeit the match. That is how it SHOULD go. Look at many other tournament rules for like any game you can think of, no-shows are a forfeit.

The rules would be enforced if there were scheduled matches. In order for there to be a scheduled match, ALL must agree.

But going along with too lax. If it wasn't too laxed then everyone would be disqualified by now since nobody played/scheduled their match by the deadline.

I'll see if GRITS wants to extend it for another week. I'll even hound everyones tier and bug them constantly in irc. I just don't want to see us getting to the finals and have everyone in school making it harder to get times to play.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Look man.. do not lecture me about my choices. I did not say that everyone else has to do the work.. but I am not going to sit here and make all the f-ing decisions for everyone.

I give you my schedule.. and we work something out.. how many of the other players in my tier gave schedules? My point exactly.

Do not ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** at me because my schedule is difficult to work with... we'll figure something out.

How many times did someone email, pm, or try in ANYWAY to contact me in this entire thing... well let's see... until you showed up, no one tried. So what does that mean? Well why don't you go figure that one out.. when you've got your answer then come see me. Until then don't bother me, thanks.

I'll play when I'm needed.. I'll give you my schedule.. I'll look and see what days are possible.. but see if I offer the date then everyone else is slacking.. and if they offer it then I am slacking.. who wins? No one. It's stupid.. just everyone post your availability.. set up a date and do it.

We've had one date set up.. I'll be there as long as the time is within what I gave as possible... that date has not occured yet, so do not ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** at me and tell me what I need to do. Figure it out.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!


You guys get one more week to get it together for the first round....I am not pointing fingers I mean everyone

I would like to see a DM tourney there is a lot of talent out there and they deserve the same right to shine as the arena pros

ONE MORE WEEK and I cancel if things have not begun to happen.

Im closing this thread thanks for the input everyone

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