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I think someone had this idea before, but i would love to see it happen, I would love to get all the oldschoolers back for one big arena killing spree,
with there old names and tags, it would be awesome and i think everyone would have a great time, I would bring the soda and chips if need be, I dont know how to get ahold of most of these guys and gals but if anyone has any suggestions let me know here and lets see if we can get this put together

surely everyone would do this for there old buddy frito, and show all the noobs what I had to deal with when I first started.

frito :D
Good idea, I'll be there. =B
ill go.. if im still considered old skool.. or if i ever was lol..

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AIM: pumpactioncs
I'll come if I'm consider old school as well:)

If not then I guess I wont come
If so tell me time, server, and what to bring and I'll be there:D
Count me in, I'm probably newest of bunch or maybe beastie of old school, or are we? Grits can come cause, ummm, who could stop her. You would be welcome anyway.
I guess I would be considered an old schooler...
I'm in.
Gemakk, aren't you oldest, hehe
Sounds fun
Someone make a demo!
Bah, im nothing but old school<_<
count me inB)
I will come to your party....

In fact as a tribute to the old school theme, I will kick the jams as your dj!!

How about some Boogie Down Productions, De La Soul, Run DMC, and some Public Enemy!? Then a liitle Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince. I have to bring out the MC Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock. Now that I think E-Z we gotta bust out the Easy-E along with the rest of the NWA crew. Is this old school enough for you?

Beastie (I didn't forget my boys, just don't want to be so obvious)
ya awsome music!! how about Frank Sanatra!!!!!!!......
oh the good names are adding up, g_boy didnt say he would come tho,
was thinking next saturday night the 31 at say 7ish central time, if this is a prob peeps tell me now so we can work something out, if you are brave enough to post here then you can play, and knight and gemmak were the first 2 names that popped into my head, but there are still a few i havent seen post yet.
Frito you know iam old school player so do i come in with my old tag and our old clan???:huh:
Im In :thumb:
yeah slasher, its nothing against the clans that we are in now but to see old faces with there old tags would be cool
I'm not old school ^_^

I really only started playing in december/january... I mean, I played before that, but I was a newb and I didn't play much, stopped playing altogether... then came back.
so what are you pussing out on us or what g_boy?
You've been around and you've been active ever since you started g boy, I think you deserve to be in this one:)
I think we should kick acid out of this one. WHOS WITH ME :thumb:
Well then I guess I'm in... didn't know I was in the category of old school.
Frito Can we kill all the old farts?

Acid is as old school as anyone here, Slash!

He owned me right out of the gate and I started playing June of last year!

Old school? Where where? lol
:thumb::smurf:Ya I'm there, Atmospheric Totempole all the way baby. Nineteen Ninety-Nine
you guys and gals did see the post about the time and date right?
its up above... look look look and see if you will suit the majority
GRITS server is at your disposal if you want it....password it and give the password to the oldies...I mean the ppl who you have invited to play...have fun
GRITS you are coming to arent you?
I'm not old school frito just 'old'

I won't guys/gals deserve the time to play with each other alone and I can always catch you in game....that is unless you just need someone who still plays on the newbie level to come in as a player so that is really feels like 'old times'...I could do that....just teasing have fun you know how to password the server:thumb:

Quote:oh the good names are adding up, g_boy didnt say he would come tho,
was thinking next saturday night the 31 at say 7ish central time, if this is a prob peeps tell me now so we can work something out, if you are brave enough to post here then you can play, and knight and gemmak were the first 2 names that popped into my head, but there are still a few i havent seen post yet.

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