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Banned Permanently
For calling Gwar a jackass. I was talking to him about how UNFAIR it is that he bans me for any stupid reason he can find, like the time when I scrambled 5 letters that form a curse word in 20 other letters, and also other times when I called him a dumbass or ###### (how do you get banned for saying an unfiltered curse word? I don't know.)

Anyway yeah, just like the time I was banned for calling Rebaudo an ######, I was pissed when Gwar did NOTHING when some newb was talking shit about my mom, and he did nothing, he says he didn't see it, BULLSHIT, could've checked the ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ing console. JACKASS IS UNFILTERED, HOW DOES SOMEONE GET BANNED FOR SAYING SUCH A PUNY CURSE WORD, ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ING JACKASS GWARSBANE.

Post the log, you ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ing jackass, I did nothing wrong this time.
With out even having to post the logs you have proven my point, just look at how you are acting.

Here are a couple of things for your information...

I did look in the console to see what happened and I didn't see anything.

And this is how you get banned for calling me a jackass...

in the kickable and banable offences (AKA THE RULES) item 3 clearly states and has stated since the website has been up and running for all to see and that you have been pointed to many times...

Quote:If you mouth off to an admin, calling them names and/or swearing at them after they ask you to stop doing something, or you just come in and start swearing you will get at least a 60 minute or longer ban

You just said that you called me a jackass so you just admitted that you broke this rule. With your history of JUSTIFIED bans, this is the one that broke the camels back as they say.

I run every ban by GRITS and the other admins as soon as I am out of the game. I have been over rules on a few of the bans that I have done, but for everyone one of your bans ALL of the admins, including GRITS have agreed with me. They all know what it takes for people to push me over the edge and ban someone. Everyone else in the Ricochet community knows how much it takes to tick me off. You on the other hand think that you do nothing wrong and that I'm out to get you. Once you are off your high go back and read the logs that have been posted here of your other bans and you will see how long I put up with you before I kick or ban you.

Everytime you have been banned you keep going back to GRITS and asking her to let you back there to play. Everytime she has specifically asked me what I think and everytime I said yes to letting you play again.

Well this time, i'm going to say no. You have had too many chances and you screwed them all yup yourself every single time.
ya gwars dont be such a dick all the time. If its unfiltered and you ban him how the F do you think he's gonna feel about it? This isn't brain surgury...
...or is it?
Have to go with gwars on this one.
Birds of a feather flock together...
I guess you said more than you know.
guess limit is gonna fall into the same hole as acid if he doesnt read the rules
Back up everyone....
Not sure what you guys don’t understand.....these guys/gals who have admin responsibilities do it for free and I will be damned if I will have them put up with verbal abuse from anyone no matter how fond I am of them
For those of you that I hope accept junior admin responsibilities ...... you will appreciate this a lot more when you see the crap you have to put up with sometimes, when all you want to do is play a game...
....he was not banned for the word he used he was banned for verbally abusing my admins....for the weak of mind let me state this in your vernacular
***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** with my admins and you get banned....understand better now?
you go girl! I love it when GRITS sticks up for us, makes me feel special :blink::urock:
After that post Limit I now wonder why I even voted for you to be in uT. I suggest you should not get involved in things you know nothing about. The logs were posted for everyone to read but due to a forum problem from the changes at Holdout's all posts yesterday from anybody were deleted. They will be reposted when Evil has a chance to get to them. This is not the first time Acid has flown off the handle Limit. Just look at this forum alone. Acid was given many chances to wise up and was doing quite well the past few weeks. While I had never run into any problems with him for some reason he does not like Gwar and seems like he enjoys pushing his button when he is on.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Quote:[_ i m i t | e s s,Jun 3 2003, 09:57 AM] ya gwars dont be such a dick all the time.
Um... I've never known gwars to be a dick. Though it seems like a relatively small infraction from your viewpoint, it's the fact that it happens repeatedly, like every other week, and at a certain point an admin is gonna not take it anymore. Especially if that admin is being singled out. Let's put this into perspective... a few people seem to think the admins are abusive and overstrict because they get kicked, banned, whatever. The thing is, though, the rest of us don't experience it much. Why? Because we have this ability to either know the rules, or if we forget the rules or something like that, we learn from the mistake. It really, really is not that hard. You are TYPING. It is easy enough to refrain from cussing or attacking people. If it's that hard, how do you people get through English classes you are either in or were in at some point? Are your essays full of swearing, leet speak, calling your teacher an ######? The other thing is that you KNOW there are admins, you KNOW the goddamn rules, you can think abstractly to figure out you don't diss an admin. You can figure out that you don't act in a certain way. How many of you sit down and whip out a lawbook, looking for the part that says you can't attack a police officer? Not many... it's just LOGIC. Find another server, shut the hell up, or have fun without stirring up shit.
I like acid... but I'm not going to oppose the ban by any means. The fact that he can't learn from his mistakes is the part that annoys me. And he accuses of being picked on... but you know what? In a certain way he is, but it's not a bad thing. When you skate on thin ice, sometimes you're gonna fall through. If you're someone who is frequently gagged/kicked/banned, you're going to be viewed upon more carefully and with a more biased viewpoint. There's nothing wrong with that. You're on probation, so to speak, so be extra careful. Acid refuses to do that, and therefore he brought it on himself.
What! If he acts like that to me what am i supposed to call him a prince? a king? an ace? what? I got nothing real personal against him and i like him and all, but he causes the most disorder. I mean he's a real good guy, only i think he needs to let up a bit sometimes you know?
Being admin doesn't make him God.
One thing I would like to put into perspective. An admin on grits server is there to keep the game going as well as promote the enjoyment for the room(at least this is my take on it). So many people come into the game thinking, no one really knows me, I can be any kind of person I want and it doesn't matter. Look at chat rooms across the country, they are full of people who aren't themselves. This group is the closest I have seen to real people acting like real people. And then you get someone like Acid(I don't truly know him) that is a boy in real life and pretending to be otherwise. We don't know his reasons, just know that he really doesn't care about the what others are dealing with. Acid knows when gwars comes in a room and cannot leave him alone, if anything at all, he should know better than to attack someone that he has had conflicts with before. I personally have liked Acid's witt and sarcasm, but he also understood that I would not banter in the game about it, its my right until Grits pulls it, to decide my tolerance. And sometimes a quiet kick or ban without making a scene is how I am. I want to play, not argue!
This is a public server, unlike my feelings at uT server where I feel a uT member has the right to kick or ban any guest without explanation. You guys should enjoy that.

ps. I golf on a 50 member league with the same problems, don't feel alone. and these guys range from 30 to 70 yrs old.
Here are the logs again

L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:39: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" committed suicide with "world"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:39: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" entered the game
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:41: "peZ.ArKaNoiD<696><113266><696>" say "hello mr. gwar"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:45: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "hello"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:47: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "bah its gwar"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:00: "peZ.ArKaNoiD<696><113266><696>" say "hi my name is Beastie I like the animals a LOT!!"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:02: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" committed suicide with "world"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:06: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "GOD DAMN LAGGER"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:16: "uT|-RWS<690><580709><690>" killed "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" with "disc" (bounces "0")
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:29: "uT|-RWS<690><580709><690>" killed "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" with "disc" (decapitated)
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:45: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" killed "uT|-RWS<690><580709><690>" with "disc" (bounces "0")
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:46: "uT|-RWS<690><580709><690>" say "nice"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:51: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "ty"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:56: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "awful game"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:54:59: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you lag too much"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:55:14: "I<712><608189><712>" say "and so does your momma"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:55:24: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "kick"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:55:44: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "wow gwar can i talk about your mom too?"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:16: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "close"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:17: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "gg"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:18: "uT|-RWS<690><580709><690>" say "yeah"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:19: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "Acid what are you talking about?"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:36: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "if people can freely talk about my mom, can i talk about yours?"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:56: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "who is talking about your mom?"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:57:06: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "dont play stupid"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:57:19: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "I just got here and have been playing, I can't read and play at the same time"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:57:52: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you werent even playing at the time"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:03: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you're full of it"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:04: "peZ.ArKaNoiD<696><113266><696>" say "somone called acid's mom a llama which is ridiculous because everyone knows she is a small mule"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:06: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "playing favorites always"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:35: "uT|-RWS<690><580709><690>" say "I wish I knew what acid was talking about"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:52: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "Same here, I have no idea what hes talking about"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:02: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "and RWS has been here longer"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:23: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "oh you know gwar"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:38: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you always look for ANYTHING to get me kicked or banned"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:40: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "No acid I don't"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:45: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "but when somebody does shit to me, you do NOTHING"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:06: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "Could someone give me a hug, pretty please?"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:08: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "its true"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:08: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "Acid you do it yourself, or should I say the drugs and you do it"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:30: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "wow like 5 letters scrambled in 20 others makes it a curse"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:40: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "yand deserves a 600 minute ban"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:43: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "right gwar?"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:45: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you jackass"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:55: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "ok ACID thats it your gone"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:59: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "hahahaha"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:01:02: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "again"
L 06/02/2003 - 01:01:04: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" killed "-=GhOsT=-<719><56717><719>" with "disc" (decapitated)
L 06/02/2003 - 01:01:14: [ADMIN] ADMIN Command: Gwarsbane used command admin_ban [*RiP*]_Acid_Head_
L 06/02/2003 - 01:01:14: [ADMIN] Banned: 128083
I think there shouldn't be a swear filter at all. Just no real bad racist comments and shit, thats why the admins are there. Filters slow the server, and piss people off more, thats why i invent new ways to bypass them!:upto:

(Thats right boys, I'm up to something...)
Alright Acid!! Awesome exit, i love how you decapped him then got banned! Phew, that was an intense log wasn't it. But I know what acid is talking about, so you must have figured it out by now. And it makes sense, people diss a player, they might get a warning, but probably not. But when people diss and admin: Showtime! Watch them rub the lamp and abuse the powers granted! I love it its like some twisted fairy tale. Personally i dont give a shit when people talk shit about me, cause i dont know them and they dont know me and thats all there is to it.
Unfortunately some people are a little less stable than the wonderful me. For example, in the above log, gwarsban didnt even seem interested in Acid's remark. You think he could look it up with his admin powers what was said, you know, open the console. And i know you can read and play. Even the dumb ][_ can read and play at the same time. The thing that bothered me was that you just didn't seem interested in Acid's request. Did you bother to ask yourself why Acid was flipping on you? Sure he's got some problems (ADD, Turrett's, HIV...;)) but does that really make him all that less important than, say, yourself? OF COURSE NOT!
Everyone's created equal, lets just confirm that. And yes we can all be dicks sometimes, but can we all not forgive? Hm? Huh? Is it not human to admit we are wrong? Is it not human to admit an Admin perhaps overreacted? HM? HUH? AH... These my friends, these were not easy questions to answer. However, after careful consideration, and a feeling of guilt on m part based on my crude rude comment (Sorry Gwars, Just a spur of the moment thing i guess) I've decided we will cut the bike down the middle, and give half to each of you!
But seriously, how about we unban acid and perhaps look into some new guidelines for admins. I respect that they do this out of volunteer service or whatever, but they do play the game AND enjoy it. I think most people would take admin status if offered. Its not like the admins drag themselves out through the dreary night or anything.

Hope you enjoyed my little essé dudes. Peace Yo. Hope you learned something Gwarsban. (Get it? GwarsBAN cause he bans alot?!?!?!?!?!!? I"M GENIOUS!!!!!!):thumb::smurf:
I enforce the rules, if I was doing a bad job of it or being a jerk about it, GRITS would tell me so. She is a good person. All the rules that I enforce are HER rules, that I totally agree with.

I tried to play on other servers where there is lots of swearing going on and I got sick of it REAL quick. I like to play where every second word isn't f this or f that.

If you don't want to play by the rules that GRITS and the rest of the admins have agreed too then plain and simple WE DON'T WANT YOU THERE. You're just taking up room that a nicer person could be using.

When you play on the Vadavaka servers you agree to play by our rules, not yours, ours. Don't like it, too bad, go to another server.
"I think there shouldn't be a swear filter at all. Just no real bad racist comments and shit, thats why the admins are there. Filters slow the server, and piss people off more, thats why i invent new ways to bypass them!"

(Thats right boys, I'm up to something...)"

If I read you right that you are consipiring to do something then don't bother as I'm sure GRITS will get rid of you too if you do anything. Just by saying what you said you are now going to be closely watched from now on. Enjoy.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
"And yes we can all be dicks sometimes, but can we all not forgive?"

That's the point, acid has been forgiven about 10 times in the past 6 months....
Hopeless... Funny how true colours show when it rains, and its just stormin'!

(Ya i'm obviously trying to screw the server over PnG, cause i'm such a badass you know. Good i like being watched closely: More Attention) This is what i'm talking about, you people just need to relax a bit, go have some fun with your kids or something, go take your girlfriend out for the night somewhere real special, or just go hang out. I think we all need a little break sometimes to get back to reality.
The tunnel's tight, but the light is pretty F'in bright!

:upto:<~~~~ Look i'm up to something yet AGAIN! WHOA!!! ?Hang on to your socks
I do not have to justify my rules to anyone much less to anyone who just cant get it through their heads that rules are rules. My admins are not abusing a power when they are upholding the rules...I really am not sure where I lose people in that explanation. I believe we will always have someone who is just trying to be a PITA because they feel we need one around at all times.
I am glad people finally got to read the logs instead of just making accusations without knowing what was going on. Maybe a second reading or third would help some understand better. But I worry that if they can't see the obvious they will never be able to see the truth.
I thought about going through ][_ post and pointing out the obvious misinterpetations but decided that there were too many skewed views to deal with. I believe his blatherings were just for attention since they could not be taken seriously by any rational person.
Acid is not going to be unbanned.
This subject is closed.
Limit...cut it now...
Thats so retarded, I'm just not going to say anything. See you around Acid, you jackass! hehehe:thumb::smurf:
Yes I stand by our queen, my true colors shine brightly, who dares to challange me.
I challenge thee Master Jabba! Draweth thy swordeth and prepare yourself for thyeth fate!
I need to know whether RWS is challenging you to defend acid's honor or because you are standing too close to me:unsure:
It must be that I'm standing so close to you, Acid has no honor and you are way better looking.
*grabs a broadsword*
Please step away from the slug, sir.
Yes I'm done defending:thumb::smurf:

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