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My Tourny
Must say that I am always getting more points, not necessarily because I'm lucky, but because I know where to aim and when... however, not many people even bother to learn how to Ricochet properly, which is what the whole name of the game is!
sign me up for the tournament plz (or just hand me the trophy now if u want ^_^)
Quote:- White disc DOESN'T count.

Quote:- winner should be determined by amount of wins NOT points. (Reasoning: a player can be lucky as hell or spam and get bounce points galore, but the other player doesn't and gets all the wins, but very few points. This isn't fair to go by points. Also a player could just fall a bunch once he has the most points and thus give NO points to the opponent resulting in that other player losing. Thus WINS should be counted...

Quote:- Players should have a few warm-up rounds to get used to each other and help get back into the game.
Agree partly. Both players in question should decide if they want the warm up time or not. If either does not want it, it is skipped.

Quote:- Excessive bumping should NOT be allowed
Disagree. Just like spamming, it is a viable tactic.

Quote:- Extreme ping problems should be reported to one of the tourney officials and a new place for the match will be set.

Quote:- All players should get screenshots of the match standings and email those results plus the consent of both players on who the winner was and why. Should a player falsify the results via Photoshop or something of that nature, the other player should have proof (screenshot) to verify this problem.
Overkill sort of. Usually only the loser reports the outcome. But both can, it just creates more work for the person running the tourny.
yeah spamming is a tactice if you suck and have no skill at aiming and killing someone..
dont turn this into a debate about spamming.....put it in the "Debate" forum :(
not everyone defines "spamming" the same way
Sign me up for this thing I'll take my chances. I hope you will be doing this on a weekend and not during the weekdays as my work schedule is hectic. I don't want to pull out of this thing and piss anyone off but if it during a weekday I will have little time on my hands to participate.

If you get blocked accidently fine, but to me if you are going to block on purpose to win then it will become a bump fest. Everyone will be timing it to hit the other person in the air to get a round/match win. I don't like that. So be it though if you are the type of person that has to do that to win.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I will not play if that is the way you are to win...
Ok, once again... I'm not sure how you can enforce or define excessive "bumping" or "blocking." It is sometimes hard to tell if it is accidental or not, we've all had bad games that we just kept colliding. I don't think we have that many people who would purposely and continually bump to win, at least out of those who have the skill to do so. Don't worry about it, it is not that hard to counter it. If you're playing someone and a lot of bumps occur, just be more careful, it's not hard.
g-boy is right, the only person I can think of that would delibreately set out to block someone, would be johnnykill and i heard he doesn't play anymore.
I say all push discs should be ripped out of the game, burned alive, and have acid thrown on them to insure they will never live again. I vote this should be decap only:P

Johny does play but he is inactive but he doesnt spam anymore...

he decap and play good;) he should be allowed to play
Shalk,Feb 22 2003, 06:36 PM Wrote:Johny does play but he is inactive but he doesnt spam anymore...

he decap and play good;) he should be allowed to play
he is allowed to play, in fact i delbriately said he could play when i started this topic (may want to reread the first post o.O)
Johhny spams when he gets pissed. If you have him 2-0 or you are tied 2-2 he will start spamming. I just laugh when he does that especially when I beat him.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Meh, I suppose I could play. It depends on when it will be and the rules of the game.

I've been playing CS and TFC so much lately I haven't even bothered to see what's going in in ricochet...
a new rule
- CS lam0rz shud b banned from ricochet:P(joking)

the actualy rule i was thinking of was
- Every 2 minutes the opponent is late for the match 1 round is added to your score. If the opponent is 20 mins late then its a "technical win" as it was so gracefully put as 20 mins = 10 rounds:)
OK...lotta talk...
when are we going to get it on?
we can talk this thing to death...:huh:
Please remember to keep consideration of UK time for those of us based over here.
meh...all in. Should be good fun. :D
netniV... Israel is 1 hour + from Uk... so consider me :unsure: :blink: :(
yay for the first 3 page thread...
Im definately in PG :D
Thanks Cloudfuel for pointing out our is nice to know it is not just me that gets excited about the little things in life:rolleyes:
hey 20 some more posts and we can have a 4 post topic :blink:
why yes we could...^_^
u arent suggesting we spam r u?:)
:lol: OH NO PLEASE DON'T one of those is one too many and we have already met our quota
but thanks for the well intentioned thoughts :D
Yeah seriously, only tourny related info should be posted on this topic.
yep I agree....
I'll guess I'll join depending on how the schedules turn out :)
You better! Woot, so good to have the king of rico we can attempt to dethrone him...hehe...

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