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What would you think about this
how about every friday night around i dunno 7:00 est time at Grits 24/7 we all show up you know frito grits the whole gang and have a few hours of fun all together.
I know I won't be around this Friday night as I will be attending an arena football 2 game.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Sorry, i'm in Mass. starting thursday.
I hope that means Massachusetts and not that you aren’t joining the monastery
Well Slash...normally I don't see eye to eye with you on everything, but in this case...well by golly I think he's got it! Honestly I think it should be once a month get together...could use the uT server too incase it got too back and people could just joining different parties or something...could be kinda cool...little social get-together. :thumb:
What he said *Points up*
I thought we did that EVERYNIGHT now?
*Looks left and right* Ummm Pix Why dont you go to your happy place sit there drink soda and play with the pink bunnies.
Am i part of the gang still..or have I drifted too far?...But I like the idea
Welll lets seee. ummmmmm Ok why not:ph34r:
Well shit I am a charter member....
What does shit have to do with this????
#13're in uT...I give you VIP're good to go...:thumb:
hey why does ut get vips????
Slasher....why do I keep getting dismissed from you. I am I not in your high favor anymore???
I was just getting you back for that comment about one day all your baby teeth will come out
i like the idea of everyone knowing when all the good people are on so you make an extra effort to get on and play
The only downside is that when there are so many people, the server is set to only accept like 10 (possible 12 with admin) connections.... thus a lot of people miss out, coz the rest just sit in there ... maybe we should all timeshare, or sommat... I'll co-ordinate and you can all pay me to play.:)
Ummmm....... how about......... NO, NET!!!!
but i like the idea very much so:D
:thumb:good idea slash...... ya FRUIT, lol
i`m in!!
Scrye,Jun 24 2003, 09:52 PM Wrote:Ummmm....... how about......... NO, NET!!!!
but i like the idea very much so:D
:thumb:... i`m in!!
I wasn't taking partners in this crime... ;-)
Hey but if its time share why dont we just do what cloud said Use Vads grits and the ut server as 3 parties That way everyone can switch out and in with the game. Scrye your the fruit
#23 should read what I write...I do have some points sometimes...

Yes...we could use Grits, Vads, and uT's server...
Well now that all thats settled we just need Grits approval of all of this
It was great when alll the admins got together to play. No distractions nor interuptions...most I am sure it will be fun with regulars who dont whine and have no idea how nice it was especially for admins because we didnt have to worry about the chat etc....I say go for it. what day? Lock all three servers and put the password vacation on all three so people can skip around if the one the want is full.
Sounds like a plan, though I can't guarentee how sober I'll be as it'll be my last working day at my current company ;-)
Can I play ? I just need to work out the time difference....
Quote:how about every friday night around i dunno 7:00 est time at Grits 24/7 we all show up you know frito grits the whole gang and have a few hours of fun all together.

sorry this post was so far up I didnt realize the time/date

that would be 1am or 0100 in England and some other parts of Europe :D
and 4pm or 1600 California time

we dont have to make it a 'regular' time since it can be inconvienent to some but it will work for this Friday June 27th Hopefully I will have my computer up and running by then..
have fun with or without me
password will be vacation on all three servers
kinda hard to have fun without you....:unsure:
I agree with Cloud on that one...Grits get your comp working

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