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Jumping comp...
You know, I've thought about this, there should be a jumping or moves competition in Ricochet. After someone has won a round, you often see them jump around, showboat a bit, and we should apply that. I figure give people time in a map (particularly arena, best moves are there), and let them jump, shoot discs, have finishing moves, stuff like that. Purpose of shooting discs to show the ability to use the move in-game. Perhaps just a little fun, I love jumping around for fun, testing moves. Good times.

Totally agree I love to watch the matches to see the unique and creative jumps but I think they are best viewed as an opponent or taggin along in would that work...could you have 10 ppl watching you jump? then we could have "awards" for difficulty of jump and creativity and number of bounces before you fall :lol: GB can set up an awards page on the site and post the winners
An awards page sounds good. :D Once I have Photoshop installed again, i'll see about making a few different rewards.

Best jumper
Best fall
Funniest hit (this would goto Slosh right now, he hit me with a push disc and somehow I went up and hit the roof of arena, least I think it was Slosh) lol

I'm sure there are a few other rewards we could think of. hehe

Phew lots of work to do on the site, good thing I'm getting paid. When did you say my check went into the mail GRITS? hehe ;)
yea that was me... hehe. G-Boy hit me with that the other night, cool thing was... I LANDED IT! i was fargin stoked... God im lame :lol:
jumping contest = ownij.
Talking about the weird shots and stuff, that's interesting... have like a pairs competition, choreograph some crazy moves to equal either kills or really awesome push disc hits and land them. Hmm....

lol i did a crazy shot once, gemakk has a demo of it (my hd with it crashed.:()
I wanna see it sinbon :)
I though of a cool jumping comp idea. players could play HORSE (or maybe we could call it RICO). I don't know who would go first but basically the first guy choses a jump (combination of jumps with a limit, maybe 5 consecutive). And has to call what he will do before he does it. You could do each jump forwards or backwards as well. Then the next person has to mimic the first players jumps or he gets an R. If the first player messes up, the second player gets a chance to make up his own combo.
You know what, that's actually a damn good idea nox... it's simple enough, it's easy to do in arena, and no one needs to judge. The most complex jumps would be used too, trying to beat the opponent. The only issues would be stuff like in air rotations, is that required, or does he just have to hit an arrow and land in a certain spot. But it could be done, someone before they do a jump can describe any requirements or nuances, or acceptable differences (like the final jump you can either just hit an arrow on the pad, or land it, whatever you can do). Be kinda like trick shot competitions in pool.

This is a cool idea, it would be a great challenge to face people like Rec in a jumping contest.
im down to play anyone in a jumping competition even at my current rust factor:)
i remember when people used to play PIG, its how i learned all my jumps
I learned all of mine by teaching other |S| guys how to do the ones I already knew in private servers. During those times I would pick up some new ones. And I got pretty adept at it that way:)
That sounds like a good time to me, if it gets set up, let me know I would like to try my hand at itB)
Yes, I totally agree with you guys. It would be awesome to have a competition called the "G-Games" where you can choose your event and perform either a choreographed jump session with another player, do your own tricks, play horse, pig, nox, box...or whatever you call it. Also it would be cool to have judges to judge technique accuracy and such for the individual and doubles events....and of course the "horse" game would be for warming up and just having fun. I believe g-boy and I will both be coming up with some rules and of course proposing them to you guys to see which you prefer to follow and which you don't and then we can go from there!
I can't wait to have a few games... let the jumping commence!:)
:lol:ok guys, does anyone realize we are getting dangerously close to having a richo-ballet competition?:lol:see my entry in the BOX thread for my idea, i dont want to spam all the forumns with my diatribe

Some people might like the prospect of rico-ballet :wacko:

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