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Happy Canada DAY!!!!
Canada is 136 years old today so I just want to say Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians out there.

Have fun and I hope its a clear night for fireworks.
Have fun all... I know I will on Friday when America becomes 227 years old.
Go us!!

It's funny, I posted the same topic on another forum and nobody knew what I was talking about.
Happy Canada to everyone also :D

Im from Toronto and im going to celebrate Canada day at Paramount Canada's Wonderland (i got a season pass :P) its going to be alotta fun and theres gonna be fireworks and all. Happy Canada day to everyone again B)
Blame it on Canada!!!!!!

lol, that was my birthday song
Canada, the cleanest country in the world, and proud owner of the most bad ass sport ever: hockey.
FYI: Lacrosse is Canada's national sport ;)

Hockey was claimed to be invented in Russia
But Hockey is more popular in Canada hehe

Just thought i should mention that.... :)
give me a brief history lesson...what happened 136 years ago exactly in your own words?

sometimes, i'll go to a hockey game to watch the fighting and a game will break out...:o
Yes, hockey is the best sport. Still proud to be an American though. I think lacrosse would be more popular if it got more coverage... I'm surprised it hasn't gained much popularity in the US, it's actually pretty good.
it really is, toronto's lacrosse team has like won 4 outa the 5 years or some really crazy record. And BTW we're better then the russians to, and Apex all of [CAKE] is from the toronto, except smartass who lives in one of the hick towns around toronto:P
American College F O O T B A L L. The oblong shaped football!
ROAR !!!
Canadian college football, yum... GO UWO!!!!
Apex,Jul 2 2003, 01:27 AM Wrote:FYI: Lacrosse is Canada's national sport  ;)

      Hockey was claimed to be invented in Russia
      But Hockey is more popular in Canada hehe

Just thought i should mention that.... :)
first off, I invented Hockey, everyone got that? secondly, i said proud owner, not proud creator. :P
I love football as well... it is coming very close to overtaking hockey as my favorite sport. Though I prefer pro... college doesn't always intrigue me... although I am always rooting for UCLA and try to watch the games (been to the rosebowl a couple of times... I worked there at the UCLA vs. Wisconsin bowl game a few years back). I think I would get into it when they get smart and implement a playoff system.
Actually Canada created....

Baseball (if I remember right), Hockey (Specially a place here in Nova Scotia), Lacrosse I believe was also invented here or at least adjusted to how we all know it today) and basketball was also created by a canadian.

I'm sure there are other sports that we created, but I can't remember them.
indeed, canada is great.
if you need proof, go watch a well done documentary called "Bowling for Columbine," done by the notorious Michael Moore.
it's a little disturbing and heart-wrenching, and also gives Marylin Manson a good name, but still, it's a great thing to see.
GO CANADA, and it's president, rick moranis and/or dave thomas (anyone know the reference??).
Lacrosse was a game Native Americans in Canada would play. It used to be more of a battle, the goals set apart by up to a couple of miles, thousands of guys on each team, games would last days. And basically anything went, generally players would first try to take out as many players as possible as their first priority, scoring a goal being second. And then I guess settlers thought it was cool, and it has been adapted to what we see today. So yes, it was most definitely invented by Canada, the original Canadians in fact. I saw this on some TV show... some History Channel thing I guess.
Are you sure about us inventing baseball?
i always believed that it was the americans;)
You guys invented it americans perfected it ;)
Just teasing...I hope the canadian players realize that the american players will now want just as much room to wish America a Happy Birthday....see what you went and started...then France and England...whats next Finland?

Don't we have such a great and diverse community:D
We invented baseball? *shoots self*
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
Awwwwww I'm sorry GRITS, I should know better then to take pride in my country as it might incite others to do the same. :D LOL
W00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Vancouver 2010!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD
Ya its at the other end of the country but ya WOOHOO!!!!

Canada Gets the 2010 winter olympics!!!

It would be nice Halifax would get something like that. :D
other end of the country?! pphh try an hours drive, hey maybe they'll show me on tv in the crowd :D
strange brew was an awesome movie, go canada!!
i wanted the summer olympics in toronto!!
damn damn damn<_<
I nearly fell off my chair laughing at this one check it out...
haha... so are those actually real??? honestly, don't people already know about Canadian Hippo races?

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