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Any ideas
Ok, I defragged and I uninstalled/reinstalled my entire halflfe program. I downloaded all of the updates and now I am having trouble configuring for my crappy video card. But it says the program 'can't load my gfx/pallette.lmp'

Any ideas?

No, I don't know much about my video card. It came with my gateway and I am pretty sure the brand has a 3d in the name somewhere :).

I am stuck with no rc/cs/hl until I fix it. Help would be appreciated.

If you could supply me with the gateway model, I could attempt to find out for you. Btw, are you using Software, OpenGL or Direct3D video modes?
ok model number... hmmm tough call, it's been 4 years. Looking around I see it's got a NVIDIA Vanta graphics adapter. I don't know if this helps at all. Otherwise the processor its self is an AMD Athelon. It was shipped to me in January of 2000, and I have made no upgrades or changes to my card or hardware.

I am playing around with it, but having little luck. I don't know whether I am supposed to cinfigure something in the cs program or in the computer. Oh well. lol

If you have any advice I will try it. Thanks Net.

oh and ps. open gl, 3d, whatever... whatever will allow me to play :-)
After you uninstalled HL completely did you also delete the registry keys for it too? Sometimes after you uninstall HL, you should also remove the registry keys for it too just to be sure its completely out. Then install HL again. This helped me for many problems i had uninstalling and reinstalling HL.
lol where are those? Would they have been in the previously existing HL folder? After uninstalling, I manually deleted everything left in the folder. So yes, if so.

Hmm editing the registry can be bad if you dont know what youre doing, i wouldnt recommend you doing it because you could mess up your comp if you change something you arent supposed to. You can access the registry by going to Start>Run>regedit
(I am not sure exactly where the half-life keys are so you might want to ask someone else because i have Windows 200 Pro and im not sure if it will be in the same place in your comp)
I don't have the answer to your problem besides get a real PC;) but I would not suggest you messing with the reg at all since you don't know what you are doing.

I seen the aftermath of someone going through the reg and cleaning everything out that he thought was stuff he didn't need. Well We had to format his system and reinstall his os to get things working again.
Wait, is this only on Ricochet or is your lag jumping/spiking on other games also. make sure you haven't lost or updated a driver and then call and check your line for noise. and if you are on cable reset your router. Yes unplugging the damn thing helps sometimes because it will flood occasionally.
Also...before you do ANYTHING else and if you are running XP, set a system restore point in case you F it up. I know a person who knows how valuable the Restore program is now.;)
If you have the money get rid of that video card. That card was the worst card made by Nvidia. I think that card was pre GeForce2. I know that card used to be the butt of all jokes a couple years ago due to it's problems.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
he said butt, hehe
Ok ok ok,

so my card is crap... I found it in a time capsule packed in with a pet rock, a George Brett rookie card, and a snap bracelet. Still... it should be able to run the game, right?

No one has any ideas on how to get the game just to play?

I have been playing around with it and it still says the same thing.

can't load gfx/pallette.lmp

Hmmm maybe I should call Glenno
Well you could also try uninstalling and reinstalling your video cards drivers.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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