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New dll on Vads
I haven't tried it out yet but I just received word that the new dll has been loaded successfully on Vad's ricochet server. So try it out all and give us some feedback on if the model changing works and the reconnect issue is fixed.

Oh kermit, we may have to tweak the reconnect code as I have seen instances on DM where players are sent to spectator mode and don't know how to get out...make that part of v1.02. B)

I will post what it takes to compile in Linux in the next couple of days. I have pages of notes I need to go through and see what worked vs. what I tried and backed out.

Thanks to kermit, netniV, botman, HLCoders and all the players who provided feedback.
that doesn't make much sense to me evil sense i only hacked the AddClientToArena function and that is never called in a dm game, but i'll look into it.
You could be may be a totally different bug.
is it possible the server isn't switching game modes between dm and arena? i thought this was done w/ the map design...but maybe the server isn't getting the right message. do all of the grits servers use the same .cfg file?

actually, are the clients sent to spectate upon connecting or is it the case that when they go into spectate (by their own doing), they can't get out? because if it's the later case, that's the way it has always been in rico dm.
Nice work guys =) Btw, is the white-disc bug fixed too?
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
not yet sockhole. many people bind a key to spectate and press it at the appropriate time to avoid white disc but of course only regulars would know that trick. so, if it's acceptable to just have the server do that rather than have the player manually do it, then it can be done.

i kind of got hung up on the use key thing. it was agreed that it would be preferable if the use key was left enabled so it could trigger events while it didn't give the player an advantage against push discs. note that hullu's plugin is an all or nothing ordeal: use key is disabled and that's that (i don't know this first hand btw). the way they have the use key in cs is ideal. rush and i worked hard a few weeks back but came up empty everywhere we turned. it was believed that the use key effects the friction variable for the player making him/her anchored to the ground. we couldn't find exactly where, though, that was happening. i hope rush and i could team up again to hack at it again.

i would like to fix the spectate exploit...but that seems rather difficult. it would be great to get some help on that. it was agreed that even w/ the white disc problem being solved, it was deemed favorable to keep the ability for clients to move themselves into spectate.
I have the HL SDK here, maybe i'll have it around and see what happens:)

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