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sad state
Well guys i'm looking at the forum, and prety much 2 out of 3 threads are "Happy birthday so-and-so" and i'm realizing that you guys don't talk a whole lot. I tried getting on irc to talk with you guys a few times but still no one seems to talk. What's happening with you guys?
I have gotten on IRC a couple of times and had some success getting people into talks but it does take a bit because most people who are on IRC often stay logged even if they are away. I have also been wanting to post more but there really isnt much happening in my life to post about, most same ol same ol day to day crap. Josh has been away at camp for the last week so we cleaned out his room and sold his really big bed and bought him a futon and some new tables and desks and a wall mounted TV stand, and the wife bought him a lava lamp that I think he will like, we did all this while he was gone so he will be suprized when he gets home.
He's gonna cry when he sees his old bed is gone
I am around more than you think. I was never much of a thread starter except in the Misc games section. I have for the most part been a reply man :P I am around most nights. Some of the time I am in a game somewhere or just not in front of the computer.

Its just a habit of mine to connect to IRC after I come home from work even if I'm not going to be using it at that moment. I have things to do when I get home and then have dinner.

In reality we probably only have around 20 regularly active people in the community currently. So in that sense it fits accordingly to how many new posts and such there are.

The best thing I can say is stay connected in IRC longer and there is bound to have a chat eventually. I figure since my comp is on why not just stay connected to IRC. It doesn't hog resources or anything.

Megan does the same. She must come on and leave at least 5 times just in the evening alone. She sees no one talking and just leaves.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
' Wrote:Megan does the same. She must come on and leave at least 5 times just in the evening alone. She sees no one talking and just leaves.

Oh, but last night was great.
Wait, wait, wait!!!

"wall mounted TV stand"!?!?

I just find it funny having wall and stand in the name...

So, will you do the same for my room if I go to camp for a week? I could use a... wall mounted tv stand... and TV to go on that "stand." :P
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

a "wall-mounted TV stand" is possible. least for a TV that won't be mounted to the wall.

The stand can be mounted, and the TV can sit on the stand (or maybe stand on the stand).
It makes sense to me...
I hope josh doesnt have internet connections at camp because I know he checks the forums and it might ruin the surprise
' Wrote:I hope josh doesnt have internet connections at camp because I know he checks the forums and it might ruin the surprise

internet connection.... at... camp??? what?? that's rediculous
ya id be surprised if they had toilets with plumbing at camp.
they had airconditioned cabins and internet but only for emails no web surfing.:P
' Wrote:they had airconditioned cabins and internet but only for emails no web surfing.:P
that isn't summer camp....
no it was science camp :P
' Wrote:no it was science camp :P


*hides any identification of his pre-med major plans*
hi2u all~!

wow it's summer again...

Im just having flashbacks of when I first joined like 3-4 years ago lol. Back on WON. Those were the days lol.
~Your Ticket To The Future is Always Blank~
so how does he like the room?

pictures please
I will post pics when the mural is done on the back wall :P
sounds awesome. Sorry I havent been around much guys, im working at a pharmacy, and head of security at the worlds oldest themepark! In addition im running 10-32 man counterstrike source servers. My life is pretty hectic right now but I will always stop in! Havent been on irc lately because my desktop has taken a dump, i need to get a new sound card.
Don't really ever stop by here much... haven't played rico in GOD KNOWS how long...:(On a positive note though, I was recently married to my lovely wife Christina (5-26-07).. and once we get the professional photos I'll post em for you all!:):thumb:

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