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Thank You GRITS :)
I just wanted to make a thread to say thank you to GRITS for providing us with these awesome servers, without her we Ricochet lovers wouldn't have a place to call home, if you also wish to thank GRITS for keeping the mod alive, post under this:)
YES grits...we all love're the best!
I found the HOLDOUT's server after most of you migrated to it from the NOH servers. I refused to come because I though the NOH servers were better. But once I was forced (due to lack of opposition anywhere else) to migrate to GRITS' servers, I was damn glad I did. Superior atmosphere with active mods, and excellent pings, what more could one ask for? Thanks for the servers and the time and money it takes you to keep them running GRITS, I know a lot of us really appreaciate it.
lol i came back from inactivity to see the grits servers. I never saw the death of the NOH servers. Its just as much, i don't like seeing deaths of good servers. And the list seems to grow all the time o.O KAH, KAH2, pr0, NOH, and NOH2...
I hated KAH, I lagged like hell there. NOH I got pretty much the same ping as in Holdout's, of course the Holdout's servers have a little variety, more space, and adminmod. I get wonderful ping and smoothness at the new west coast server, but it's only 6 people max and deathmatch :(
I want you, GRITS. :wub:
WHAT? dare you!
cloud are you like a pimp or something? Every time someone wants a female RC player you get jealous o.O
I don't believe pimps get jealous of their, but I do think that people like me who are "attached" to certain players can feel a little bit of jealousy....yes, yes that is true...

- are you just jealous I didn't say that about you? o.O JK!!!!
I would also like to thank GRITS. The servers are a great place to hang out and even before I became an admin I loved them just because you had active admins on them keepin out the riff-raff (some how jabba keeps slipping in thou) hehe just kidding Jabba :D

Great bunch of people (admins and players)
Grits knows how I feel in the logs... ^_^
I will always be your play toy GRITS :wub:
Grits and I became friends before the servers came up and remain friends to this day,we talked about her getting the rico servers, and I always told her that it would become the most popular server because of her and the way she runs things, she has a great sence of humor and tolerance to ignorance that makes the server a fun place to play and great convertation to go along with it, I hope that we will always be friends and that Grits always feels appreciated, shes the best :D
P.S I think also that we should make all the ladys feel appreciated that play rico because they are few but they keep the community civil.
:D and a special thanks to everyone that made my time at rico enjoyable:D
I've always heard that Grits looks after us drunks and you fools(oh that was god wasn't it), any way same thing. She does a great job and even carries it on after the game is over. Not many hosts would do that. Not only is Grits interested in keeping rico going but our community as well, glad its not all about the money. Probably only downfall would be that she likes Cloud :P.

ps. remember I was your first. thanks sweetie. :wub:
Jabba....I hate you.
Thank you Grits for the post, just so everyone knows, I was thrown a party at local chinese restaraunt (about 25 people) had great time. didn't drink anything all nite(big lie). Was a wonderful day all around. :coffee2:

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