08-14-2003, 12:40 AM
I was basically going to say exactly what p&g said. I have cable and I get 110-120 on holdout's servers because I'm in California, they are in Ohio. That's about 20 higher than I usually get on that distance, but there's no lag. No one ever said anything about kicking people with high pings. As was mentioned a couple of times before, there are several players on dialup or very far away who get 200-250 pings. They are fine, because they don't warp across the map. And in rico, yes, it does mess up the shot. In ricochet, you have to see where the person is going to be and shoot there... well, if they are warping, it's near impossible to tell, unless they are a newb and you have the timing of jumps memorized, then it can be done. But here's the problem... even if you hit them, the discs GO THROUGH. A warpy kind of player will have 9 out of 10 discs go through them, so it gets bothersome.