08-22-2003, 03:33 PM
Since the other topic really had nothing to do with Magic: TG and there are a few fans of it here, I figued I would start this topic here.
If you don't like Magic: The Gather or are just going to put it and the people that play it down, don't bother posting in this thread.
I had a nice fine collection of Magic:TG cards. But then ICE age and all those other crap series came out and killed it. There was kids with very powerful cards but didn't cost much to get out. I loved everything up to The Dark, everything after that was mostly crap.
I actually named my deck to the American kill all deck. It was great. It had about 80 cards in it, sometimes more some times less. It was made up of Red, White and Blue with some artifacts thrown in for good measure.
My prized cards in that deck were my 4 dopplegangers and 4 clones. I also had 2 Shivian Dragons, 4 Dragon Puppies, 4 Sara Angels and a few other nice ones.
If I could get down 2 of each color, 6 mana in total, I could get any anything in my deck out. I also had 4 mana flares. When I brought them out people would love me at first, then they would curse me when the 4th one would come out. They would almost always get mana burn and I almost never got it.
Only a few decks beat me and they were days when I couldn't get out 2 of each color. I once held off a guy that won most of the local tournys till he was down to only 3 cards. I had about 10 left and a full hand, then I got the wheel of fortune. In the hand I picked up, I got the cane that allows you to put your grave yard back into your deck. It was very cool.
But now most of my good cards are gone, I still have a few left. When I have the money, i'm gonna try to remake my old collection to what it once was and make it better. But I will only really go for stuff in the first series right upto the Dark. Anything after that I really don't care for.
Whoops sorry for putting so much, but I was addicted to the game. At one point before all the crap came out, my deck was worth well over 300 bucks US. I never really new the true value of it, but was nice. I still have over 3000 or 4000 cards thou most of my rare ones are gone:(
If you don't like Magic: The Gather or are just going to put it and the people that play it down, don't bother posting in this thread.
I had a nice fine collection of Magic:TG cards. But then ICE age and all those other crap series came out and killed it. There was kids with very powerful cards but didn't cost much to get out. I loved everything up to The Dark, everything after that was mostly crap.
I actually named my deck to the American kill all deck. It was great. It had about 80 cards in it, sometimes more some times less. It was made up of Red, White and Blue with some artifacts thrown in for good measure.
My prized cards in that deck were my 4 dopplegangers and 4 clones. I also had 2 Shivian Dragons, 4 Dragon Puppies, 4 Sara Angels and a few other nice ones.
If I could get down 2 of each color, 6 mana in total, I could get any anything in my deck out. I also had 4 mana flares. When I brought them out people would love me at first, then they would curse me when the 4th one would come out. They would almost always get mana burn and I almost never got it.
Only a few decks beat me and they were days when I couldn't get out 2 of each color. I once held off a guy that won most of the local tournys till he was down to only 3 cards. I had about 10 left and a full hand, then I got the wheel of fortune. In the hand I picked up, I got the cane that allows you to put your grave yard back into your deck. It was very cool.
But now most of my good cards are gone, I still have a few left. When I have the money, i'm gonna try to remake my old collection to what it once was and make it better. But I will only really go for stuff in the first series right upto the Dark. Anything after that I really don't care for.
Whoops sorry for putting so much, but I was addicted to the game. At one point before all the crap came out, my deck was worth well over 300 bucks US. I never really new the true value of it, but was nice. I still have over 3000 or 4000 cards thou most of my rare ones are gone:(