08-26-2003, 07:57 PM
i'll not play devil's advocate this time: i think that time travel movies are simply there to entertain, and in order to make the movies not ubsurdly dumb, they put a little thought into it, and tried to convince the audience that it could happen. When logic is applied, the movie is ruined, and never had a purpose. thanks, all you cynics. by trying to put logic into the theories of james cameron, you've destroyed the world. so, did you prove him wrong, or prove him right? hard to tell. i say, avoid time travel, and stick with classics like "Aliens." Great movie, not so much thought. Plus you get Bill Paxton. =). (bytheway, whichever movie you prefer, the Terminator, or Aliens, you'll get Bill Paxton either way: he plays a punk at the beginning of Terminator.)