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Steam + My Firewall - Part 2
For those who really wanna know... you know what steam does? It EXTRACTS everything under E:\Steam\SteamApps\<emailaddress> ... whilst the game is running, take a look through windows explorer... What does this mean? Well, if you have any half decent firewall, everytime the HL.EXE is updated, well, you get a "THIS PROGRAM HAS CHANGED" message, or if it's in a new location, which the first time you play it under steam is... you'll get a "Half-Life Launcher" is trying to create an outgoing connection....

... so let me get this straight... i've just spent the last 9 hours trying to get a peice of software called steam to work, that's going to bug the hell out of me because it keeps freezing, only to find that it's gonna annoy me even more because I like to keep my connection secure?! Gah! Why all this wrap around fuss to do something the rest of us could have managed easily enough on our own!

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Steam + My Firewall - Part 2 - by Guest - 09-12-2003, 11:17 PM

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