09-29-2003, 06:51 PM
ThisIsTrippy,Sep 29 2003, 04:45 PM Wrote:G-boys right though it can get annoying when people tell them over and over again how to play but they keep asking. What really has been steaming me lately is people in disguised names. They say Hi to ya, but won't tell ya who they are. Seams kinda unneccesarry (***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** i cant spell) Some people got a bad habit of doing this multiple times a week but whatever im not the owner of ricochet.I remember back in the dayz..EVERYONE did this..I was person that did it a ton ..but it was easy to pick me out cause my style and how I talk..and back then most my names centered around Linkin Park:D But I recall a ton of people that did this but no need for names..its just history