12-02-2003, 08:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2003, 08:14 PM by [CAKE]anonymity.)
Quote:Just because they want the 'easy' life does not give them the right to whack something that will make it more difficult.I think its easier to swallow a pill or put on a rubber thing, then go get an abortion, which is the more expensive alternative.
Quote:It was usually a stupid mistake that could have been avoided if the 2 people used their damn minds before.adults do make mistakes, there is a mistake in my family, but my parents could afford it, so it wasnt a problem
Quote:load your weapon and shoot the criminal who didn't bother to unload his weaponyour 43 times more likely to shoot a family member then an intruder (documentary called packing heat) (have the number written down in my notes) its an american documentary.