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Rocket Crowbar 2 mod
yeah, it just came out today i think...half of the development crew was there to gauge client reaction. they had an official server up for a while but i know they were having lag issues with as many clients as they were getting. probably tomorrow, there will be some severs up, even if they are just listen-servers. it's also possible that they spotted a technical problem at the last minute and went to fix it.

the guy who made the map i took the above screenshot from was there when the map (rc_moonside) loaded for the first time. as soon as it loaded, everyone was like "omg...this is sooooo cool!" and "this map rox!", etc...i was happy for him...he seemed really pleased and pledged to make a couple new variants of the theme. i think rocket crowbar in the past just used standard valve maps like crossfire but the two maps that i saw made for the game were rad and fit the gameplay well.

Messages In This Thread
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by kermit - 01-08-2004, 07:55 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Power and Glory - 01-08-2004, 10:13 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by kermit - 01-09-2004, 12:08 AM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Pique - 01-09-2004, 09:33 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Guest - 01-12-2004, 04:59 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by kermit - 01-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by sage_4 - 01-12-2004, 08:47 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Guest - 01-12-2004, 09:52 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Guest - 01-12-2004, 10:03 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Wha? - 01-12-2004, 11:26 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Guest - 01-13-2004, 06:07 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by [CAKE]anonymity - 01-13-2004, 11:38 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by Guest - 01-14-2004, 02:57 PM
Rocket Crowbar 2 mod - by sage_4 - 01-26-2004, 01:46 AM

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