03-30-2003, 06:37 AM
PuNkGirL,Mar 28 2003, 11:06 PM Wrote:Snatch is HILARIOUS!Well, you know... when I first saw pG, I thought it was Power And Glory being lazy :-D
Punkgirl, its obivious... duh i am a girl who listens to Punk music.
Of course arriving at that name is a journy though.... I orginally just went around with the name girl. In fact when i first started playing, i knew how to change my name (unlike those idiot players) and never used the name Player. Then when newbies kept bothering me about if i was really a girl or not, i changed it too sk8bl1nd (my brother's sn) i also came up with sk8 ch1|<. Those didn't work for me either. Then one day i was sitting there listening to punk music and thought DAMN thats it! and viola! we have PuNkGirL!
other names i'd be under:
pG (if you can't figure this one out, you need your head examined)
sk8 ch1|< (explained above)
311 junkie (actually a copy off of one of my friends aim buddy icons^_^)
baka (means stupid in japanese)
baka-chan (means stupid girl in japanese; btw i'm not really stupid i just like to make fun of myself^_^)
Tsukasa (anime character)