03-30-2003, 08:56 PM
What a great topic. This is ACTUALLY very interesting !!:thumb:
I used to be for 5 years.../usr/local/gin which if you know UNIX,
then you know it's a very common directory path, which I changed to
gin instead of bin...I like muh Bombay Gin Martini's. Then I changed it to
PIX because that's one of my career specialties...working on Cisco PIX
Damn...now I want some gin with lotta salty olives.
I used to be for 5 years.../usr/local/gin which if you know UNIX,
then you know it's a very common directory path, which I changed to
gin instead of bin...I like muh Bombay Gin Martini's. Then I changed it to
PIX because that's one of my career specialties...working on Cisco PIX
Damn...now I want some gin with lotta salty olives.