02-04-2004, 10:33 PM
Quote:a 1 vs 1 tourney takes months to finish not to mention a scheduling nightmareThe scheduling will be worse with 4 players play at one time, rather then two. There were a lot of scheduleing problems with a few of the players on the last tourney which I wont get into right now.
As far as disicting DM playablilty, we are working quite hard to make sure it is played fairly and that the best DMers make it the furthest. I dont think there is any DMer who has played as consitantly or faithfully as wha. What better person to make a dm tournament for dmers? Most games have spawn protection in some form. The only game that arguably doesnt is HLDM, and that gives you a pistol to defend yourself.
The referee can be anyone who is avaliable to spectate the match. I'll spectate some, I'm sure there are people willing to ensure that it is played fairly.