02-05-2004, 09:35 PM
Wha?,Feb 4 2004, 08:27 PM Wrote:Spawn spam is only looked down on because there is no spawn kill fix, so it will hit and kill spawns. There is no dodge that will save you if it's more than 20% into the second rebound when you spawn. Your only chance is to be in the lowest spawn of the three (yes, there are 12 spawn sites in dm1, 4 pads with stacks of 3), and the bottom of the lowest is 48 units from the pad surface, which is 12 units higher than the half-way point on a standing player. The two above are 136 and 208. Mr. 48 is fine if the disc isn't on the pad yet, but the others are downright screwed, mostly because they can't move til they hit the ground, which has 3+ discs heading there. Don't forget acceleration, either. It takes time (albeit not much) to get up to a speed that can move you out of the way of that disc. Then there are the people who shoot it so it hits people as they try to dodge.There was a way to stop being spawn killed... unfortunately... we 'fixed' it...
If we have some, referees would help with that. They could keep track of ill-gotten points, though that wouldn't help the spawnees who now have to wait longer to get points again. Also: what's going on with the dkill fix? That's another type of spawn kill, and happens accidentally more often than a spawn rebound.