02-16-2004, 02:10 AM
Wha?,Feb 10 2004, 10:49 PM Wrote:What about peripherals? Do you have a mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc. picked out yet?this is kind of reverse off topic, but yes, i have an answer to this:
I have a 20 dollar logitech mouse that i love. I've tried more expensive ones, but i always migrate back to this one. It's so symmetrical!
The keyboard is interesting as well. Most people like those fancy ones with the shortcut buttons and the volume etc, but i have those clumsy kind of hands that hit all sorts of things during gaming, so i use a compaq keyboard from an old 486. I nabbed it off a friend. It's great, it has a 10 foot long cord, sounds great when typing, and has no windows button because it was made before, well, windows. Now i dont have to go into windows and disable the button so i dont hit it during games.
these things will stay with me till they break. I also have 6 or 7 ball mice and general keyboards that i have collected over the years from computers that have died, just incase.
but, of course, to top it all off, I do have one of these. I'v abused it for 2 years and it still works like new. Worth the $40 I paid.