04-16-2004, 02:40 AM
GRITS can read the XXX (4398649) I left in the logs tomorrow when she gets a chance.
I asked you to stop using shit as much as you were, you contined to do it even after I kicked you to get your attention after you failed to stop when I asked you to, even other players were asking you to stop. I even had to ask Razor if that was the real you he said yes (seeing as how you are posting in here I guess it was you, I was hopeing it wasn't)
Why is it people freak out on me when I asked them nicely to stop doing something. I don't give a crap if you were on drugs, its no excuse for how you acted. Don't like the temp 300 minute ban I put on you, tough.
I asked you to stop, you didn't.
I kicked you then told you to stop, you didn't.
I temp banned you from the server and guess what YOU didn't stop, you came here.
Thanks for ruining a relaxing game that I was enjoying just before bed.
I asked you to stop using shit as much as you were, you contined to do it even after I kicked you to get your attention after you failed to stop when I asked you to, even other players were asking you to stop. I even had to ask Razor if that was the real you he said yes (seeing as how you are posting in here I guess it was you, I was hopeing it wasn't)
Why is it people freak out on me when I asked them nicely to stop doing something. I don't give a crap if you were on drugs, its no excuse for how you acted. Don't like the temp 300 minute ban I put on you, tough.
I asked you to stop, you didn't.
I kicked you then told you to stop, you didn't.
I temp banned you from the server and guess what YOU didn't stop, you came here.
Thanks for ruining a relaxing game that I was enjoying just before bed.