are stating the basis of Catholicism...
Being a Christian is a personal relationship. You can talk to God anytime you want. In fact you are suppose to 'walk daily' with Him. I pray every day and thanks for everything I have, for guidance through tough times and for acceptance of my sins.
We as humans cannot view God...our minds can't comprehend his overwhelming awesomeness. Jesus IS God, in the flesh of man. Don't get the 'Father Father, why hast thou forsaken me." comments. Jesus IS God. We didn't come up with this notion for our understanding. Jesus was always there.
Anon...feeling guilty is a great part of the process. It's your inner spirit telling you something is not quite right. You are NOT asking the Church for should you are asking either God/Jesus for forgiveness of your sins or you are asking others to forgive you of any transgressions committed against them. PERIOD.
The church is important to Christians. We are suppose to, as followers, be with other Christians during church to worship together and have fellowship.
Thats it! THAT'S ALL IT TAKES. No pews. If you sincerely believe this is the roadmap to salvation, then you are on your way to the toughest life a man could live. You will have to take up your 'own cross' to reach the finish line here. Don't rely on MAN'S foolishness and his science to get you to Hell. Investigate this yourself. Compared to eternity...or infinite as you propeller math heads like to use...our life is pretty short here. Live out your gift of a life happy and thankful. Help others and don't be judgemental.
PS. I'm still looking for the passage about ricochet being in heaven for you Anon.:)
Quote:What I dont belive in is repenting of sins with the church. You can say your truely sorry and get forgiven by someone who doesnt even know you.The scripture says flat out and many times that if you ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins and sincerely mean is done. You do NOT need to do this through a priest or be standing under the altar of a church. This is the debate between Protestants (myself) and Catholics. They put so much focus on the physical church...the physical leaders and symbols that are not even mentioned in the Bible.
Being a Christian is a personal relationship. You can talk to God anytime you want. In fact you are suppose to 'walk daily' with Him. I pray every day and thanks for everything I have, for guidance through tough times and for acceptance of my sins.
We as humans cannot view God...our minds can't comprehend his overwhelming awesomeness. Jesus IS God, in the flesh of man. Don't get the 'Father Father, why hast thou forsaken me." comments. Jesus IS God. We didn't come up with this notion for our understanding. Jesus was always there.
Anon...feeling guilty is a great part of the process. It's your inner spirit telling you something is not quite right. You are NOT asking the Church for should you are asking either God/Jesus for forgiveness of your sins or you are asking others to forgive you of any transgressions committed against them. PERIOD.
The church is important to Christians. We are suppose to, as followers, be with other Christians during church to worship together and have fellowship.
Quote:Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is.We as Protestant Christians do not favor the Church as a political body. THAT is where they make the slip ups and have people shunning and cursing the Church Universal. God DOES know everything...but He still leaves the choice to us in his marvelous patience. It's not a matter of if we 'deserve' to go to heaven, if you follow the rulebook and simply do steps 1, 2, 3 and 4...then there is no doubt if you are going.
Quote:1. Admit you are a sinner. Romans 3:10
2. Be willing to turn from sin (repent) Acts 17:30
3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. Romans 10:9-10
4. Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to become your personal savior. Romans 10:13
What do I pray? You could say something like this:
Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus shed His blood and died for my sins. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life a my personal Savior. Thank you for this gift. Amen.
Thats it! THAT'S ALL IT TAKES. No pews. If you sincerely believe this is the roadmap to salvation, then you are on your way to the toughest life a man could live. You will have to take up your 'own cross' to reach the finish line here. Don't rely on MAN'S foolishness and his science to get you to Hell. Investigate this yourself. Compared to eternity...or infinite as you propeller math heads like to use...our life is pretty short here. Live out your gift of a life happy and thankful. Help others and don't be judgemental.
Quote:Rom 12:19Â Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
PS. I'm still looking for the passage about ricochet being in heaven for you Anon.:)