9/11's release date is June 25th, and it WILL be going to those damned multiplexes for mass appeal to the public. mo money, foo.
garden state's release date, last i heard, was july 30th, and i don't think it has changed. has a great cast. anyone here watch "Scrubs" on NBC? Zach Braff, the main character, wrote directed this movie, which also stars Natalie Portman, Ian Holm (better known, i'm afraid, as 'Bilbo Baggins'), and Peter Sarsgaard, who if you've never heard of him, you should, because this guy is an amazing actor. top notch.;)
garden state's release date, last i heard, was july 30th, and i don't think it has changed. has a great cast. anyone here watch "Scrubs" on NBC? Zach Braff, the main character, wrote directed this movie, which also stars Natalie Portman, Ian Holm (better known, i'm afraid, as 'Bilbo Baggins'), and Peter Sarsgaard, who if you've never heard of him, you should, because this guy is an amazing actor. top notch.;)