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i'm lazy...
Muaha Resurrection of a dead topic.

Don't know if anyone realized this yet, but creating a mirc command is possible. Well, alias anyway.
I just did this 10 minutes ago:P...

While in mIRC, goto tools --> Scripts Editor --> Click the Aliases Tab.
Click on an empty spot below all the text and copy and paste the text below this.
*Note - If you have half-life installed other than the Default location then you will have to modify the location where YOUR half-life game is in this code.

/vads /run C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -game ricochet -console  +connect | /me Joining... Vads Rico

/vads is the command you will need to type in irc, change this to whatever suits you.
/run Runs the path C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -game ricochet -console +connect
| allows for multiple commands
/me Joining... Vads Rico Does a /me With the text Joining... Vads Rico

If you want it in all channels through /me replace /me in the code with /ame
If you want it said in all channels in normal text replace /me with /amsg
If you want it said in the channel you are currently in replace /me with /say
If you want to get rid of the saying all together just erase | /me Joining... Vads Rico

To add Grits 24/7 server simply choose a good name, perhaps grits247 and just use the same code above but replace /vads with /grits247, change the IP to Grits 24/7's ip address, and change the text where your joining to Grits 247

Of course this also works for steam.
Same code, but different target.

/grits /run C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 60 +connect | /me Joining... Grits Steam Ricochet

Again, if your steam is installed in a different location, you will need to modify the target as needed. I'm sure you can find more to change in this:P. Hopefully this is not confusing.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!


Messages In This Thread
i'm lazy... - by kermit - 01-05-2004, 06:24 AM
i'm lazy... - by Wha? - 01-05-2004, 05:01 PM
i'm lazy... - by kermit - 01-05-2004, 09:30 PM
i'm lazy... - by Miagi - 07-16-2004, 11:40 PM
i'm lazy... - by Miagi - 07-16-2004, 11:52 PM
i'm lazy... - by GRITS - 07-17-2004, 09:07 AM
i'm lazy... - by Miagi - 07-18-2004, 01:08 AM
i'm lazy... - by FreeFall - 07-18-2004, 04:22 AM

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