08-03-2004, 09:55 PM
PIX,Aug 2 2004, 08:46 PM Wrote:"it doesn't harm me....I'm normal...see?"1. i dont claim to be normal
This is the same groups that gets angry when they can't buy beer because older people say they can't handle it yet.
I think if a young person is exposed to CONSTANT violence (gaming or TV or real life) then it will 100% affect their development somewhere down the line. Didn't you ever see Clockwork Orange??;)
I bet if you put the stats beside each other you would see much bigger numbers of youth playing video games than reading
2.i can already buy beer (legally too!!)
3. Ill agree with you on that one. Thats why i have these things called friends, a job and a couple of other things too.
4. I read about as much as i play games.
On the other hand, Id be more worried about the real life violence than the simulated stuff. I girl i used to know turned up at work one day hiding in the staff room because her brother had been beating up her parents and/or the rest of the family, and she had called the police on him. Her brother threatened to kill her, so naturally she ran away. The police found the guy waiting near her house with a knife
That family doesnt have a computer.