09-01-2004, 01:17 PM
I like playing with acid, we had some great games yesterday, then I had to go. We played again later that day cuz none of us have lives, and the games were less good, but still fun. I liked playing gboy, but I havent played with him in months. lil is always fun to talk to about music, and hold up the rest of the ppl waiting. Frito is a blast, he was a beast the last time I played him. GRITS is a given, on my list, same with the CAKE guys. Miagi owns me on DM now, so he is always fun to play with to keep my ego small. Apex is always cool to, espically when talking about the local stuff. Gemmak for sure, we have had some pretty close games in the last little while. Honorable mentions go to all the people I havent played with in awhile. Including 16, who usually beats me. One last person, quicks sister B)