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Join more than one IRC-network
I noticed that many of you only use one network on IRC. I'm using three networks myself and I want to give you the possibility to use GamesNet, QuakeNet or another network, too.

If you are on GameSurge (or any other network) and want to connect to another network (GamesNet e.g.) without leaving the current network type:

/server -m

For QuakeNet you would type /server -m

After pushing ENTER IRC opens a new server window where you can see the connection progress.

It is possible to connect to a network and join a channel automatically after connecting by adding -j #channel

e.g.: /server -m -j #RicochetMasters

If you want to join two channels on another network don't use the command above twice. Type /j #channel instead.
[Image: olbestlogo5tq.jpg]
Thanks QOLIM
[Image: olbest.png]

Messages In This Thread
Join more than one IRC-network - by Olbest - 09-10-2004, 06:27 PM
Join more than one IRC-network - by GRITS - 09-10-2004, 06:32 PM
Join more than one IRC-network - by RushJet1 - 09-11-2004, 11:41 AM
Join more than one IRC-network - by Zerox - 09-12-2004, 12:20 AM

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