05-06-2003, 07:06 AM
school works till you reach 9th grade when they stop teaching you anything (english for example: who needs 4 more years of how a noun works?). But before 9th grade school actually worked, you couldn't pursue your own research without the knowledge of basic math. How hard do you think it would be to study Calculus without algebra (i took in 8th grade...) or even basic math? You would NEVER understand integrals or limits or anything that calc has to offer. imagine looking at the integral from 1 to 2 of 3x^2. We all know that is 7. Of course we arrived at this by taking hte integral of 3x^2 which is x^3. THEN we plugged 2 and 1 into our answer (algebra since it has to do with exponents and variables) we took those two answers and subtracted the first one 2^3 minus the second one 1^3 to get 7 (basic math).
So there i know all that wasn't necessary but i like to explain my weird theories before ppl decide i am pulling this out of my ass
So there i know all that wasn't necessary but i like to explain my weird theories before ppl decide i am pulling this out of my ass